Subject: LAST CALL! 20% Off Nature's Immune Booster and Anti-Viral! (Hurry!)

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk
LAST CALL: 20% Off Nature's Immune Booster and Best Anti-Viral!  
From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.
Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry
  • Abandoned career as a pharmaceutical chemist
  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young
  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
===> LIMITED STOCK, 20% Off Charcoal Soap with Shea-Butter and Essential Oil! Click here to order on Etsy!

If you made it through 2020, then you know, "fighting solves everything!"

That's been my motto for life...even at age 7! mom took me to vaccinated.  On that cold, sterile table, with flimsy paper, the doctor told me "this won't hurt a bit."

Oh hell no!  

In a split second, I had to accept the reality of getting physical with a grown a$$ man.  

I started with a kick to the gut.  

Then, I pushed my mom out of my way and went straight for the door...I made it to the lobby.  

Being persistent, the doctor grabbed my arm with more determination and assured me that the "nurses were going to come in to help out."

...another kick to the gut, with more determination.

My mom ushered me out, telling the doctor we'd be back.  Never happened.  

Fighting solved that.

And fortunately, as shown by the US Army, "soap works better than vaccines."


That's because real soap (made the old-fashioned way) destroys biological nasties on contact!  And that's what my 3:1 Charcoal-Shea Butter Bar does! 

It fights viral and bacterial infection as well as:

- Ring worm

- Impetigo

- Irritated skin

- Eczema

And it does it all without a SINGLE CHEMICAL!

I don't use any man-made chemical in my soap making process!

And it still fights everything!

My 3:1 Charcoal bar is in LIMITED STOCK!

Remember, these easily sell to sports teams for $9.95 per bar. But when you buy this 6-pack, you get it for only $7.95 per bar!

An Etsy Bestseller, you can buy now by clicking here!

Sale ends this weekend!

Keep Fighting,

A Filthy Animal

Time To Ditch The Meds!
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The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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