Subject: ~"Kill Drug Dealers," Says Philippine President

When it comes to ridding the Philippine streets of illegal drug dealers,
Rodrigo Duterte isn't screwing around. "Shoot them and I'll give you a
medal," says the president, Duterte.

Politics isn't my specialty. But politicians seem to have emptied their
intellectual bowels long ago. How is replacing a drug problem with
a murder problem a solution?

I get it...he's pissed. And he wants to hold drug dealers responsible.

We have the same issue in the US. But it's not drug dealers killing
our people. It's Big Pharma.

Today, prescription drugs are deadlier than heroin and cocaine
combined. If stacked, the corpses from annual drug deaths would reach
from Earth up 125,000 ft where Felix Baumgartner made his record-
breaking jump from space.

Meanwhile, Big Pharma CEO's pocket millions in cash, stock options and
bonus pay.

Who the hell is holding THEM accountable?!?

A few of their heinous crimes are as follows:

Ghostwriting — the sneaky art of paying medical ghostwriters to hype up
drug benefits, while downplaying the risks…then paying doctors to sign
their names on articles they didn't even write…and plugging these
articles directly into "esteemed, peer-reviewed medical journals"… which
then hypnotize other doctors to prescribe these same drugs to millions of

Checkbook science — the insidious art of prescribing drugs that are NOT
INTENDED TO CURE ANYTHING…but which are intended to fill the fucking bank
accounts of drug companies indefinitely…while the bodies of patients pile
up, and side effects run rampant.

Testing their drugs on innocent children in 3rd world countries is among
the most heinous of crimes, yet its mentioned nowhere in the media…

Tens of thousands of babies were robbed of their appendages thanks to the
drug thalidomide (made and sold by German drug company Chemie Grünenthal),
which was hyped as "safe," courtesy of medical ghostwriting.

Then, there's Bayer. They intentionally sold immune damaging-contaminated
blood products in order to not miss out on any profits…

"When Bayer's Cutter Laboratories realized that their blood products,
Factor VIII and IX or antihemophiliac factor (AHF), were contaminated, the
financial investment in the product was considered too high to destroy the
inventory," wrote scientists writing for Accountability in Research.
"Bayer misrepresented the results of its own research and sold the
contaminated AHF to overseas markets in Asia and Latin America without the
precaution of heat treating the product recommended for eliminating the
risk. As a consequence, hemophiliacs who infused the HIV-contaminated
Factor VIII and IX tested positive for HIV and developed AIDS."

Great way to earn a living, Bayer!

And let's not forget Celebrex, an abysmal failure of a pain-killing drug
(made and marketed by Pfizer). Doctors were bribed to prescribe Celebrex as
"the safest pain killer in history." It killed about 50,000 according to
the FDA.

How does 50,000 dead bodies translate into "safe?"

Who's calling for the termination of these drug criminals?!?

Props to Rodrigo Duterte for having some balls, and for taking a stand for
the Filipino people.

Meanwhile in America, it's perfectly legal — and socially acceptable —
to sell dangerous prescription drugs to unsuspecting citizens.

Of course, you can't ignore the abject, ignorance and lack of
responsibility among patients. Shuffling orange pill bottles and choking
down any pill prescribed is an American way of life. The US swallows over
50% of the entire worlds prescription drugs…

Statins, blood pressure meds, antidepressants, aspirin, blood
thinners…all of them slowly killing their users while enriching Big

These are the drug dealers we need to banish. And all you have to do is
wake up, take charge and ditch the meds with my book, Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures Expanded - like the 480 readers who posted 5-star reviews on
Amazon! Read them at

America's "health care" system is a fucking clown fest because profits are
cherished above all else. Ghostwriting fuels this craziness by keeping
everyone in the dark. The result is a warped version of "medicine" that's
allowed to persist.

And you thought "asking your doctor" for a drug you saw on TV was a good

Educate yourself with Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition
( )…and make sure to send copies of this book to all
your loved ones!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Don't be a moron and think I'm advocating for physical violence like
Duterte…I'm suggesting you stop taking the meds that are slowly killing
you. Nothing crazy, just logical. But yea, if you want to run over a few
drug reps while riding your bike through the park, go for it.