Subject: ~Kids, Sports and Screaming Parents! (My New Year's Resolution)


At 10 years old, my son Blair is a grappler.

He’s learning how to outmaneuver opponents on a mat by using his own
body weight, strength, and grappling skills. He’s been doing this for 4 years.
And since it’s such a grind, he’s still trying to master the basics of
jiu-jitsu and wrestling.

Not only is this great physical exercise for his developing body, it’s
also fantastic training for his mind and spirit.

By committing himself, Blair is setting up for a life of success…unlike
other kids whose faces are buried in their iPads, while throwing tantrums
for more candy. (Blair doesn’t even carry a phone.)

The “fight” isn’t only on the mat. It’s all around you. It’s in
everyday life - the fight to ignore peer pressure, the fight to stand up
for yourself in the doctors office, the fight to march your ass to the gym,
the fight to stop eating so much, the fight to learn Algebra.

Blair has won huge tournaments. He’s also gotten smoked at small
ones…but the effort is always the same: Give it everything you’ve got.

It’s the same with health goals.

Every weekend warrior wants instant results, wants to skip over the
DISCIPLINE part, while somehow always be winning. Since this is
impossible, most people quit too soon…

“It’s not for me.”

“I’m not made for this.”

“I’m not talented.”

Whether it’s in wrestling, being healthy, or learning to paint, most
people don’t have the guts to give it everything they’ve got. They
give up.

Like grappling, it take years to polishing your craft.

When I started wrestling in the 9th grade, I lost every single match for a
year straight. But I always gave it everything I had.

Eventually, I started winning. And eventually I got a college scholarship
that parlayed into everything I have today.

That’s the grind.

Winning simply means giving it ALL YOU’VE GOT, no matter what you want to
achieve…flying a plane, doing my 18-minute workout (Google it), helping
your kid with their homework, being a good friend, building a business.

Just be ready for the grind!

Most parents who have kids in sports ruin this life lesson with yelling,
screaming, and applying pressure to win. What if your boss did that to you
every day at work? What if your boss just encouraged you to give your best?

With Blair and I, it’s just about mastering the basics and practicing the
discipline of always giving it everything you’ve got, under any
circumstance - the big lights of Vegas event centers or coming from behind
when you’re down by 10 points at a local tournament.

Quitting, or giving a half-assed effort is the only true way to lose.

That’s always been my new years resolution. (Since my freshman year in
high school.)

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. I’m working on a new blog to highlight the best cod liver oil. I
tested the quality in my lab and interviewed the company founder. It’s
my go-to supplement for keeping all 4 of my kids super healthy and strong.
Watch your email for the notice!

P.S.S. My Serotonin FX is 15% off when you buy 3! Want a little help
with quitting sugar? Start taking this all-natural blend that curbs sugar
cravings and helps you get deep sleep at night: