Subject: ...Just Got Back From His 90th Birthday! (PIC)

The People's Chemist
We Went Jet Skiing for His 90th Birthday!
Shane and Chuck Sr.
I don't always go to Houston but when I do it's to visit a fan for his 90th birthday!  

Chuck Sr. was diagnosed with leukemia just over 4 years ago.  During his lifetime he watched two grandsons and a son-in-law die from chemo.  Then, he was diagnosed with leukemia...

There was no way he was going on chemo.

Searching for alternatives, he found my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.

My first question to him was, "what made you decide to do it?

He confided in me that it was pretty simple, "I ditched my blood pressure meds for Cardio FX ( and it worked like a charm!  Better in fact than my meds and I felt great.  So I figured your 'nutritional chemo' would be worth a try for beating cancer." 

Smart decision too!  Chuck Sr. is cancer free, today....and living young as shown below!
Chuck and Shane on Jet Ski
Houston humidity was all over me when I stepped out of the plane.  I had an extra shirt over my shoulder so I could change out of my own stink...

First impressions are everything lol.  

It's not often that you get the honor of attending a 90th birthday.  I met 4 generations of his family!  And everyone knew the story of how grandpa cured himself of cancer.

That's pretty impressive because it will leave a lasting mark regarding "ditching your meds" for many generations to come!

Thank you Chuck Sr. for that amazing opportunity!

The highlight was the jet skiing...and the happy birthday song.  

His 66 year old son played the guitar, while all the kids sang for papa.  To hear four generation sing you happy birthday must be priceless - all their actions and dreams a direct result of your relations over a lifetime.

A birthday is always a milestone.  But more importantly it is a celebration of living young, not getting old.  

There's only two ages: Dead or alive.

Therefore, living young isn't about living for as long as humanly possible.  It's about living with more experience for as long as possible!

There's a difference.

Far too many people are burning their precious time on social media, surfing the web and trolling doctors offices to learn how to live LONGER.  They split hairs over how many f@#cking apples to eat or what the best dose of curcumin is or stress over how much synthetic vitamin D they should get and when...


Living young isn't about optimizing the number of years you get. It's about optimizing your experience!  

You're not trying to be healthy so you can bounce from one doctor's appointment to the other...or troll people online who don't share your political beliefs!

Your aiming for optimal helath so you can go out and do the sh@t that scares you...the stuff that gets your heart racing and your blood boiling!

And that's what Chuck Sr. has been doing since he ditched the meds.

It was a true honor, thank you sir!

Want to live young and ditch the meds?  Want more birthdays and time doing sh@t that takes your breath away?

Buy 3 Worst Meds now at  

Get 3 copies so you can give some to friends and family!  Then read it and you never have to waste time online again, hunting for health how-to crap that wont help you anyway!

Dare to live young, 

The People's Chemist

P.S. ALERT: Cardio FX on sale now!  Get 15% off automatically at when you add 3 to your cart!  I'll cover the shipping!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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