Subject: Joint FX Sale: Only 4 Hours Left! Hurry!

The People's Chemist
Joint Pain Stopping You? Read This...
Take Advantage of My "24-Hour Celebration Sale!"
Joint Repair - Joint FX
Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Advil aren't options for joint relief!

The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology highlighted this when they published the following:

"Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have potentially important renal adverse effects. With regard to renal adverse effects there is no indication of significant differences between conventional NSAIDs and selective COX-2 inhibitors. Their nephrotoxicity has been well documented."

In other words, if you try to stop joint pain with  OTC remedies, you risk trading it for kidney failure.

That's if you're "lucky..."

The British Medical Journal warned that taking even over-the-counter doses of common painkillers known as NSAIDs has been linked to an 20% to 50% increase in heart attack, regardless of the dosage and amount of time the medications are taken.

There's a better way.    

Nobody knows this better than Vance, an electrician and TPC fan.

"Since 2010, I've lived with excruciating elbow pain. I had to stay away from the things I love: lifting weights, playing hard with my kids, strenuous tasks at work," he writes.

"It was f@#cking humiliating to always ask my kids to go easy with me, or that I couldn't toss 'em around the pool. It was emasculating to have to explain myself to the guys at work, but…what can ya do if ya just can't?"

Vance isn't alone. Millions suffer from joint pain. Most people turn to the harsh OTC remedies.

"I was taking aspirin, and other less legal herbal varieties," he admits.

"I accepted that joint pain was my life until surgery or some slower holistic approach came about. The consults I attended and my own half-assed research suggested surgeries ranging from $6 - 18,000 per arm!"

Ugh. NOBODY needs joint pain…and NOBODY needs meds or surgery!

…That's why I designed simple natural fix. Known as Joint FX, it erases joint pain!

"I first heard about TPC years ago while contracting in Afghanistan (public works departments). A few months ago, I ordered Joint FX ( At first, I honestly didn't believe the sh@t would work. By day four, the pain was gone. It worked SO f@#king well that I was able to hit the gym for the first time in 6 years and I went 3 hours STRONG," Vance says.

Fact: When you're crippled with joint pain, you can't do much of anything…let alone enjoy the activities you love.

FACT: Joint FX works.  It makes joints young again.

"I felt 25 again. I had quit hoping to ever NOT hurt. I've been so inspired by the efficacy of Shane's products that I want to become kinda the poster guy of his work. We need to get the word out. Let me know how else I can help spread the word! Thanks for the second lease on life!! It was getting dark here," he says.

Thanks for sharing, Vance!

Now it's your turn…

Stop letting joint pain cripple you.

Use Joint FX to soothe achy joints (elbows, knees, shoulders, hips, you name it)…but more importantly, use it rebuild the soft cartilage (i.e., cushion) between the joints, so that you can work harder and play harder for years to come.


Order now at:

Every bottle comes with 120 capsules - that's 60 servings!!!!!  Buy 3 bottles at 15% off and I send you my latest book, 3 Worst Meds, FREE!

Stop wasting money on glucosamine HCl and chondroitin!  

Order now at:

You WONT FIND ANYTHING CHEAPER OR MORE EFFECTIVE. Even better, there are no side effects or risky medication interactions!
Joint Repair
Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Vance (pictured above) also used my Raw T product for men! "I ordered your testosterone product ( I took it out of curiosity. I felt 25 years old again!."

Raw T is for men who want to increase their strength, while balancing their testosterone naturally! Read the product page before ordering at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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