Subject: ~It's not the L-tryptophan making you sleepy


My 2 year old Skyler didn't disappoint. He was up at 6am sharp!
on this holiday morning!

He has outgrown "dada" and is now in full blown dad mode. (Something about yelling
dad feels a little more bossy and annoying than dada...)

Imagine a young tasmanian devil screamin' dad at the top of his lungs.

That's Skyler in his crib. (He's already learned that crawling out results
in a hard smack, so he sticks to shaking, kicking and yelling.)

I'm up. It's Thanksgiving. I just want my yerba mate.

I headed to the French press and started planning the day.

With four kids, a schedule is our anchor. And today, binge eating is not
on the roster.

As a kid, I remember everyone's face attacking their food at about
2pm. It was typically their only meal.

By 4pm, we were all sacked out. Every year I had to hear someone
regurgitate that the L-tryptophan in the turkey made us all pass out.

Not true.

It's the binge eating that makes you sleepy. Once you binge, there's a
massive change in your mood, hormones and mental state. It's the
food coma, technically known as postprandial somnolence.

This state of gluttony forces the heart and intestines to work harder.
Plus, blood clotting increases to dangerous levels. This is why
many heart attacks occur over the holiday season. The body
shuts down into sleep mode as a protective mechanism.

Thus, binge eating isn't the harmless indulgence everyone
thinks it is. It's a real health threat.

To avoid it (or help correct the outcome over the next few weeks), you
can supplement with

It corrects the hormonal imbalance caused by binge eating....Or you
can just eat your normal 3 meals per day.

Yerba mate in hand, I got Skyler. Woke up Blair.

The boys ate some eggs and avocados. Then we were out
the door to ride bikes to the park. I even squeezed in my 18-minute
workout after winning a few running races. No mercy here.

No food coma for me today. Just fun.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy uses both cinnamon and milk thistle to ward off
the effects of holiday binge eating and drinking! Both form a shield
around liver cells to help them process excess alcohol and fat. Learn
more at

P.P.S. Prescription drugs are an added toxin to the body during these
times of binge eating and drinking...the milk thistle in
further helps to detox all the toxins.