Subject: ~It's Not Your Thyroid! It's The Food!

I can still remember being in grad school, walking into my lab for the
first time. Instead of learning how to be a chemist, I had become one.

Like an astronaut admiring dials and controls of a space shuttle, I scanned
the intricate glassware. Everything was designed to withstand the
temperature and pressure extremes that come with the harsh environments
required for manipulating matter.

Hundreds of chemicals with biohazard labels were stored safely in dark
brown bottles and jammed into tin cabinets.

A shower and its activation cord dangled nearby in case of a chemical spill
— a constant reminder that chemistry doesn't give second chances.

Using the 119 elements of the periodic table — indivisible particles that
form ever more complex molecules and porous substances — I was set free
to yield a bounty of valuable products, whether they were brighter paints,
stronger soaps, better whiskey, or new medicines.

Anything was possible.

At the time, I had no idea that the food industry would be using this same
type of caustic laboratory environment to create addictive flavor mimics.

This newly devised chemical conspiracy — driven by chemists known as
"flavorists" — has empowered the food industry, while disempowering the
average consumer.

Flavorists use state-of-the-art drug design methods to manufacture flavors
stolen from nature — what I've term "pharmafoods" — that yield
dependency, overeating, and brand preference among consumers.

Their overall goal is to use pharmafoods to train your brain to crave more.
It's similar to heroin.

The result is f#cked up hormones and butchered health…

Former FDA commissioner David Kessler admitted that these hidden chemicals
"hijack our brain." He was referring to their ability to block us from
knowing when we're full.

Procter and Gamble was one of the first companies to put unapproved drugs
into our food for profit. They failed to obtain FDA approval for a
cholesterol-lowering drug called Olean because of its side effects of
leaching essential vitamins and minerals from the body. Millions are now
eating it as a low-fat substitute under the brand name Olestra, which is a
key ingredient in snacks such as Frito-Lay's light potato chips.

This "bait-and-switch" was incredibly lucrative. Today, pharmafoods are
worth an estimated six billion dollars.

When questioned about safety, the industry boasts that "tiny quantities"
are harmless. Yet, they lack the studies to prove it. Meanwhile, America's
growing waistline (and declining health) shows that something is seriously
wrong with our food.

Despite this fact, food mimics are still being used in our food supply —
and more are on the horizon.

In addition to sugar mimics like high-fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and
sucralose, newer types of flavor-enhancing drugs known chemically as
nucleotides, ribotides, and alkamides strengthen addictive properties and
increase the profits of the pharmafood industry.

Thanks to flavorists, tens of thousands of other chemical flavors are
cooked up and added to everything from Scotch to chicken, peppermint, and
kumquat in an attempt to get us hooked. Not a single one is listed on food

There are currently 80,000 chemical flavor mimics registered within the
United States! Yet under FDA regulation, none of these pharmafoods are
required to be listed on labels. Moreover, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency only requires testing for about two hundred of those and
has succeeded in banning only five.

Exposing the flavor industry and creating public awareness about how we're
being chemically seduced are the only ways to curb the threat that food
mimics can pose to our health.

As organic chemist who understands the connection between the
pharmaceutical industry and the flavor industry, I've been spreading this
awareness for years.

My main concern has always been the ADDICTIVE nature of new flavors. How
can flavor mimics be "natural" or even considered a "flavor" if they have
drug-like properties?

Anything made in a lab is likely to have side effects. Olestra proved that.
That's why chemical flavor mimics need to be identified for what they are
— pharmafoods. This term hints at their synthetic origin and, by nature,
their potential for side effects.

The pharmafood label serves as a warning to anyone who values their hormone
function for health and longevity. (Pharmafoods wreck hormone function!)

If your doctor ever told you're fat because of "poor thyroid
function"…now you know they're clueless. You're fat because you've eaten
too many pharmafoods!

(Ask your doctor if he knows about the nucleotides, ribotides, and alkamides
added to food!)

Unfortunately, supermarkets are packed with artificial crap masquerading as
food…so too are "healthly labeled foods.

You can free yourself from this chemical shit storm by using AM PM Fat Loss

It teaches you how to remove all pharmafoods (AKA "hormone killers") from
your diet…so that you can get your health and weight back on track. It
also shows you what to eat, when to eat, and how to exercise so you
can reverse the pharmafood curse...

With AM PM Fat Loss, you'll follow a simple meal plan to get your hormones
back in balance — and force your body to stop craving junk.

Get started here:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Sandi, a TPC fan, wrote, "The supplements in the AM PM package have
helped me drop 6 sizes! This stuff is cutting my appetite in half! I have
no cravings for sugar…LOTS of energy…& my hot flashes are going
away…waist is tightening up. Starting to look forward to summer! People
are noticing and want to know what I'm doing.... My hips are getting
thinner and I have so much energy. Fat loss is great! I've dropped six
sizes!!! and I feel super fantastic."

Awesome, Sandi!

Now it's your turn. Ditch the pharmafoods! Find out how to eat,
exercise, and behave in a way that naturally leads to fat loss: