Subject: ~Is this in your protein powder!!!???


Do you drink milk or its nutrient rich byproduct whey?

If so, this will probably gross you out. But, you might learn
something, too…I like to think that I’m the king of whey. Not to honk
my horn, but I’ve been using it since I was 14 years old. Better,
I’ve been producing and selling it for 15 years!

One of the biggest problems in the milk market is drugs.

Most store-bought milk comes from cows injected with growth hormones and

The growth hormone known as rBGH is your biggest concern.

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (aka “rBGH”) is a
genetically-engineered hormone introduced by Monsanto in 1995. It’s one
of the most prevalent growth hormones polluting the milk supply in the U.S.

It artificially forces cows to increase their milk production by 20%,
leaving them stressed out and sick. But, it makes the farmer more money.

rBGH cows that are over-milked often have udder infections and mastitis —
resulting in pus and bacteria overflowing into the milk. Heating it up to
almost 300 degree F via pasteurization, much of it is burned away to make
it shelf ready. This leaves behind a vapid product void of nutrients.
Left behind is toxins and milk sugars, maltose and lactose….Then of
course the “fortify” the milk with synthetic counterfeits of nature,
namely vitamin D.


As if that weren’t bad enough, rBGH also increases the amount of Insulin
Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) in cow’s milk. Elevated levels of IGF-1 are known
to promote cancer in humans.

Bottom line…drinking “mutant milk” containing rBGH is a great way to
get cancer!

Just last week I called the nations largest supplier of whey to ask what
they’re doing about the risk of rBGH in sports supplements and protein

Their answer made me fall out of my chair.

“Nobody’s worried about it because it’s FDA approved. After all,
there’s nothing you can do, it’s everywhere. Even if a company tells
you their milk protein is rBGH-Free, it isn’t.”

What the hell?

Why do we have chemistry if we’re not going to apply it to consumer goods?

Fact is, my has NEVER had any garbage in it,
thanks to simple chemistry methods. It’s an outrage that other companies
aren’t using it to protect the consumer.

But why should they?

The dipshits running the U.S. government think it’s perfectly OK for
consumers like you and me to be sold milk with pus and bacteria. They think
it’s fine for dairy companies to sell cancer-causing milk to the public.

Meanwhile, the dairy industry has made a killing selling this shit to you.

Remember “Got milk?” and “Milk, it does a body good?” commercials?

Insert the paid celebrity of your choice (wearing ice cream over his or her
upper lip), and suddenly milk is popular!

The rest of the world understands that this is bullshit. In fact, rBGH has
been banned in all 25 European Union Countries, Canada, Japan, Australia,
and New Zealand.

And, as The People’s Chemist, I’ve been using state-of-the-art
chemistry processing and testing methods to GUARANTEE that my is the best product for my fan’s health.

No other company in the world can guarantee this, because, in the words of
the worlds largest dairy farm, “People don’t even know how to test for
it [rBGH].”

Fortunately, I do. But the mass market has zero concern for the

In the U.S., treating cows with rBGH is perfectly legal. Selling milk with
growth hormones is a CORRUPT act that is highly protected. (In case you
haven’t noticed, the U.S. is a nation run by so-called “leaders” who
can be bought by industry. Just depends on who's the highest bidder.)

According to a European Commission report, “Avoidance of rBGH dairy
products in favor of natural products would be the most practical &
immediate dietary intervention to… (achieve) the goal of preventing

Bam! If your goal is to avoid cancer, then simply stop drinking milk and
protein products containing rBGH!

Quite the contrary — www.getwheyadvanced is Mother Nature’s healing
miracle food.

This is not an overstatement, but the truth.

Unlike most protein powders, Whey Advanced has:

* No bovine hormones
* No added sugar
* No artificial flavors
* No MSG
* No stomach-knotting hydrolyzed whey
* No maltose
* No lactose was designed to be the most superior whey protein
available. It provides all the branch chain amino acids and bioactive
proteins you need to live young and feel great. Neither soy nor hemp can
provide these! gives your body critical hormone-building blocks
that induce proper hormone output, balance, and sensitivity.

But none of the above makes for fancy, slick marketing.

And I don’t have any paid celebrities to endorse Whey Advanced, either.

If you want a high-quality whey protein powder designed to make you live
younger and add quality years to your life, then get

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist