Subject: Is the FDA on Drugs? Another Cholesterol Med?

An "advisory panel" for the FDA recommended that the FDA approve a
new drug cholesterol-lowering drug called alirocumab.

Don't get tripped up by the hard-to-say-name...

Translation: A group of shareholders masquerading as an FDA advisory
panel approves of you swallowing their brand new, toxic, cholesterol
lowering drug. They care so much about your health and wellness that
they're bouncing from one news station to the next hailing it as a new
wonder-drug, suitable for everyone.

"If approved," writes the The New York Times, "it would be the first in a
major new class of medicines in a generation that significantly lower
levels of cholesterol, the leading cause of heart disease."

"So far, it looks like just about everyone who takes the new drugs
responds. LDL cholesterol levels plunge by about 40 to 65 percent, even if
the starting level was achieved with a statin, the mainstay drug for
cholesterol lowering first introduced in the late 1980s. Companies can make
levels go even lower by increasing the dose of the new drugs."

Dr. Joshua W. Knowles, a Stanford cardiologist, called this new medicine "a
triumph of the modern genetic revolution."


Sounds cheesier than a Hallmark card! And surprisingly, it's the
same bullsh*t sales play they used for Lipitor, decades ago!

Since Lipitor has already killed too many, it's time for a new strategy.

Enter alirocumab, or however the hell you say it.

These are the facts:

NOT A SINGLE SCIENTIFIC STUDY has ever proven that "low cholesterol
prevents heart disease."


HAVING LOW CHOLESTEROL is a great way to wipe away your hormones and your
myelin sheath, causing cancer and Alzheimer's.

The LOWER YOUR CHOLESTEROL the shorter your lifespan.

THE TRUE CAUSE OF HEART DISEASE has nothing to do with high cholesterol.

I'm writing in all caps so the f$%@king morons reading this won't miss it.
(I'm probably wasting my time though. I should be drawing pictures.)

The makers of alirocumab — Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals — have
their fingers crossed that the FDA will follow the advisory panel's
recommendations and approve the drug.

"The panel, in a 13 to 3 vote, recommended the approval of Sanofi and
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals' drug, alirocumab," writes the NYT. "On
Wednesday, the committee will turn to Amgen's drug, evolocumab. The F.D.A.
usually follows the recommendations of its advisory panels, but not always.
The agency says that if it approves the drugs based on their effects on
cholesterol, the approval will not be rescinded even if trials now underway
fail to show the drugs reduce the risk of heart attacks and deaths."

Read that last statement again.

Let it sink in.

It doesn't matter if drugs are useless or dangerous…they can still be
sold to an unsuspecting American public, under the guise of "protecting
against heart attacks and stroke."

Science has no place in whether or not a drug is approved.

It's all about money and marketing…and drug companies massaging
cardiologists' balls so thoroughly, they'll say whatever the drug companies
want them to say.

Why? Because Big Pharma owns the FDA. It owns the schools. It owns the
news. It owns the media. It owns the The New York Times. If you're on
prescription meds, Big Pharma owns you too.

Yawn. Life as usual in America. One Nation Under Drugs.

All pro-drug articles like the one mentioned above are nothing more than
marketing disguised as articles.

The CORPORATE SLAVES working at drug companies toil 24/7 pumping this
useless "medicine" out of a lab, just so they can collect their retirement
benefits, stock options, and 6-figure salaries. So too do the lame writers
for The Times and so many others.

Ignorance is the fuel that keeps their profits flooding in.

If you're one of the rare few paying attention, congrats.

News flash: You don't need cholesterol-lowering drugs to protect yourself
from heart attack or stroke. Cholesterol is NOT a poison. The higher your
cholesterol, the longer you live. It's been documented. Read
Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. [ ]

The first step to avoiding heart disease is to GET OFF YOUR DRUGS and
let your cholesterol rise back to where it naturally belongs.

There are safer, more effective ways to protect your heart than
artificially lowering your cholesterol through drugs. Mother Nature
provides inexpensive, safe cures that protect against heart disease. No
drugs needed.

I show you exactly how to safely protect your heart in Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures. [ ]

Read it. Love it. Live young.

What's confusing?

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. A new cholesterol-lowering drug is inches away from getting full FDA
approval. If approved, it will be marketed to prevent heart attacks —
even though NOT A SINGLE SCIENTIFIC STUDY has ever proven that "low
cholesterol prevents heart disease." The fact is, cholesterol-lowering
drugs TRASH USERS' BODIES from the inside out. Don't be fooled by slick
drug marketers…get all the facts in my book, Over-the-Counter Natural
Cures. [ ]

P.P.S. Read the book and get off your drugs before it's too late!
Invest $15 bucks and save your life! [ ]