Subject: ~Is it safe to eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day?


Here is another way to get fat:

Feed your face 4–6 times daily (also known as grazing).

The first things I think of when I hear the term “grazing” are fat farm
animals. But this image has failed to deter fit hopefuls. The grazing myth
grew from the discovery that eating boosts your metabolism. It’s called
diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT). I learned about it in 9th grade, along
with all the other outdated, simple-minded personal training drab found in
muscle magazines.

But there’s a limit to everything. And the limit to diet induced thermogenesis
diminishes after three meals. Otherwise, why not eat 10 meals a day?

With respect to controlling weight, an excessive number of meals only works
for people who are severely restricting calories, addicted to exercise, or
injecting steroids like a ‘roided out bodybuilder. These three actions
counter the fat- inflating side effects of “eating too much” by forcing
the body to compensate with starvation, energy output, or hormones,
respectively. And long term, there’s serious hell to pay metabolically.
(Look at previous ‘roiders.)

Anyone adhering to the multi-meal myth is doomed, as proven by post-meal
blood tests, DNA studies and the real-life outcomes of weight gain over

After a week or two of grazing, the body adapts to meal overload by pumping
out the fat storing hormone insulin and simultaneously lowering fat
crushing hormones like glucagon, testosterone and human growth hormone
(hGH). This is a metabolic nightmare for people who dream about looking
good naked.

When my wife Lea-Ann started a career in figure competitions, she dabbled
in the four-to-six-meals-a-day dogma. She also suffered from weight gain
rebound, or what her fitness competition cronies refer to as
“post-competition bloat.” She eventually came around.

In contrast, studies on low meal frequency, where food intake is restricted
to every five hours, show the exact opposite results of multi-meal intake
– low insulin and high amounts of the fat-crushing hormones glucagon,
testosterone and hGH. The five hour window, considered short term fasting,
forces the body to rid itself of food-induced insulin response, and then
produce fat burning, muscle building hormones between meals.

The benefits of three meals per day can be verified in the real world with
positive changes in lean body mass and increased athletic performance.
Applying low meal frequency to her training and supplement protocol, my
wife experienced the benefits by winning the Arnold Amateur in 2009,
without the post-competition rebound.

By sticking to the easy-to-follow-protocol, she carries the same great
physique today, with little sacrifice.

To verify the negative outcomes of the multi-meal myth first hand, attend a
bodybuilding event where the belief runs deep. Pay attention to the ex-
participants. Scurrying around in tight shirts and pants that won’t let
go of their thighs, they’re traditionally overweight, especially in the
gut and chest, where multi-meal insulin overload “weighs heavy,” giving
rise to the spare tire hanging off the waist and “moobs,” slung low
from the chest, now popularized by famed ‘roider and bodybuilder Arnold

The cultural dogma among the bodybuilding community and its long term side-
effect of obesity and accelerated aging is a poignant reminder that muscles
and health don’t always go hand in hand, and that small meals throughout
the day don’t spark metabolism.

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