Subject: ~Is Your Metabolism Damaged?

"You can't be healthy and overweight at the same time."

I didn't invent that rule. It's a fact of life.

It's all about hormones!

Just like winds direct the movement of clouds, your hormones orchestrate
your breathing rate, heartbeat, oxygen delivery, cellular water balance,
caloric intake, emotions and most importantly, your sensation of hunger. 

They also control how your DNA expresses itself, which proves that our
weight is not fully determined by our genes, but instead our hormones.
And those are managed by our habits.

You can think of your hormones as your own internal pharmacy…and
something you need to tap into for your best body.

The “intelligence” that plants use to capture sunlight or take up
nutrients from the soil and convert these things into energy for growth is
the same intelligence your body uses to heal itself naturally and preserve
a healthy physique with hormones. It is perfectly natural and happens
without you even having to think about it.

The key is to master insulin, glucagon, estrogen and testosterone by
learning to habitually eat the right calories, at the right times. 

Coupled to that, you can also leverage the benefits of botanical medicines
that are proven to improve hormone balance, output and sensitivity (BOS).

The right calories at the right time with the right botanicals is the right
way to eat, not “diet.”  And since there’s not a single fad diet
that address’ this Holy Trinity, not a single one will help you restore
hormone BOS…your metabolism will remain injured.

Do You Have an Injured Metabolism?

If you’re currently obese, a Type II diabetic or insulin resistant, then
you’re at a huge disadvantage in the calorie-burning department. It’s
like being at a gun fight with a pocket knife.

Who’s considered to have an injured metabolism?

Sugar addicts.

Women on birth control.

Those taking anti-depressants.

Insulin users.

Basically, anyone choking down pills out of an orange medicine bottle.
Sweets and “chemical invaders” terrorize the body and prevent you from
cranking up your God-given calorie furnace. (Learn how to ditch your meds
at  Therefore, no matter what you do,
nothing’s going to work. (Hence, it’s 2020 and you’re making yet
another resolution to get your weight in check…)

So, going into the new year with the goal of fat loss, you might have an
injured metabolism that refuses to burn calories because your hormone
balance, output, and sensitivity (BOS) have gone awol and are unable to
light up the fuel that you eat on the daily!  

This is true even if you’re only eating one meal a day!

A body that’s incapable of burning calories is always going to be taking
in more than it burns, simply because it can’t burn a single shred of a
single calorie.  And if you’ve ever eaten anything served out of a
window, package or box, then your hormones have been hijacked by Big

Nature has several remedies to an injured metabolism. 

Green tea, cinnamon, yerba mate, bitter orange, and Mormon tea are among the best. 

All are safe and effective as shown by their ability to increase calorie
burn.  For almost 2 decades I’ve been using them as the core ingredients
for Thermo FX, my all-natural “diet pill” that’s proven to be the
safest and most effective supplement on the market for targeting belly fat,
while allowing you to build muscle!

Start using this incredible pill gifted to us by nature at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you're more than 10 pounds overweight, why are you sacrificing
health and life experience? Do something now that is guaranteed to work: