Subject: Is Your Lifespan Diminishing?


Most people don't know that lifespan is dropping.

For the first time in our history, people will lose 5 to 20 years of their

Scientists from around the world showed that children born in the year 2000
and after, are most at risk.

Do you know why?

High blood sugar and obesity.

Today, food and drink is loaded with sugar and various toxins disguised as
flavors that promote deadly sugar levels. Additionally, prescription drugs
do the same thing.

If you’re on “The Pill,” drinking “Vitamin Water,” known to chug down an
occasional soda, swallowing anti-depressants, adhering to fad-diets, or
even abstaining from exercise, then you are decreasing your lifespan.

Everything from exercise performance, hearing and vision, libido to sexual
function, mental health, and sleep are affected by high blood sugar levels.

When sugar levels are high, your hormone function is shut down. So too is
your mental function.

You can stop this assault on your health for about $5 per month! And it works
fast! A recent fan posted on my Facebook page the following:

"Today my blood sugar was 75! My average over the last 6 months was
140-150's, before I found you."

Normal blood sugar levels are 85-95!

There isn't a single drug or "diet" that can force your body to lower dangerously
high levels of sugar...Not one. This one, natural pill, is the worlds most potent
"life preserver." You owe to yourself to learn about it.

Learn how at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist