Subject: ~Is Your Immune System 100%?

When people frequently turn to antibiotics as a first line of defense
against illness…they lose.

A New York Times article highlighted what happens when humans
rely too heavily on antibiotics.

“American military researchers have identified the first patient in the
United States to be infected with bacteria that are resistant to an
antibiotic that was the last resort against drug-resistant germs,” the
article states. “The patient is well now, but the case raises the specter
of superbugs that could cause untreatable infections, because the bacteria
can easily transmit their resistance to other germs that are already
resistant to additional antibiotics. The resistance can spread because it
arises from loose genetic material that bacteria typically share with one

This bio babble simply means that nasty bacteria have gotten smarter…
They've learned how to outsmart the “medicine” designed to conquer them.

Soon antibiotics will be completely useless.

What will you do then to conquer an infection? Call up your doctor and ask for more worthless drugs?!?

“We are one step away from CRE [carbapenem-resistant bacteria] strains
that cannot be treated with antibiotics,” says Dr. Lance Price, a researcher
at George Washington University. “We now have all the pieces in place for
it to be untreatable.”

“CRE is still relatively rare, causing just 600 deaths a year [far more
than Ebola, Zika] but by 2013, researchers had identified it in health care
facilities in 44 states. Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director of the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, often calls it the ‘nightmare superbug’
because it is resistant to all but one antibiotic — colistin.”

I laughed when I read this. Nightmare for who? The dummies
overusing antibiotics?

This is just more proof that drugs aren’t the answer. Real health requires
using Mother Nature’s gifts to aid our body’s natural defenses!

That means using Immune FX ( to make your
immune system 100% strong!

Using Immune FX is like having your own personal army working 24/7 to fight
off biological nasties and other invaders — while you’re busy living
life to the fullest. With a rock-solid, healthy immune system, you can
conquer pretty much anything.

This is not an exaggeration.

“We risk being in a post-antibiotic world,” said Dr. Frieden.


Living in a “post-antibiotic world” would be a great thing…because it
would force everyone to finally get their head out of their @ss and start
turning to their immune system for protection.

How is this so complicated for people?!?

Bacteria can outsmart antibiotics, but they can’t outsmart

“Infectious disease doctors have long warned that overuse of antibiotics
in people and in animals put human health at risk by reducing the power of
the drugs, some of modern medicine’s most prized jewels,” says NYT.
“About two million Americans fall ill from antibiotic-resistant bacteria
every year and at least 23,000 die from those infections.”

Ditch the drugs.

To conquer infection and avoid illness altogether, turn to (Safe for children, too!).

Beat the common cold, strep throat, the flu, pneumonia and all the other
crap that comes with getting sick! Boost your system 100% with

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Rampant overuse of antibiotics has led to antibiotic-resistant
“superbugs” that know how to outsmart the medicine. This further
highlights the importance of having a rock solid immune system. Give your
immune system top notch support by using Immune FX (order now!).