Subject: ~Is This Drug in Your Multi-Vitamin? (What about your Kids?)

Jacqueline is a TPC reader who emailed me to say, “I love your emails and
just discovered all the videos. I’m almost done reading your book. I’m
glad to know the truth about folic acid. Omg it’s in everything,” she

True! Unfortunately, folic acid has been artificially added to almost
everything…from supplements to bread to cereal.

Most people don’t know that folic acid is a cheap counterfeit isolate of
the naturally occurring “folate.” It’s a counterfeit. In fact,
folic acid doesn't even exist in nature.

Folate is good for you. Folate encompasses many naturally occurring
chemical cousins — chemists call them isomers — that play a wide range
of positive roles in the body. Foods rich in folate include liver,
desiccated liver powder, leafy green vegetables (e.g., spinach and turnip
greens), fruits (such as citrus fruits and juices), eggs, dried beans and
peas, and the forgotten master folate supplement — unfortified brewer’s
yeast that is free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Without getting enough full-spectrum natural FOLATE, our body becomes a
breeding ground for:

- Alzheimer’s disease
- coronary heart disease
- osteoporosis
- neural tube defects
- poor cognitive performance
- depression
- hearing loss
- many types of cancer

That said, you should be flooding your body with folate – but NOT the
fake counterfeit, “folic acid.”

Known to chemists as pteroylglutamic acid monoglutamate, the drug folic
acid is one of the best-selling scams infiltrating the nutritional
supplement market today. You read that right…folic acid is a DRUG! And
it’s put in food under the auspices of “fortification.”

In one of the biggest natural heists in pharmaceutical history, Big Pharma
stole the real folate from the marketplace and replaced it with their nasty
substitute: folic acid.

Folic acid has made its way into products such as multi-vitamins, and even
prenatals. (So even before they’re born, growing fetuses are getting
slammed by folic acid swallowed by their pregnant mothers!)

The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening trial
linked folic acid intake with 20% to 32% increased risk of breast cancer in
women who consume more than 400 microg/d supplemental folic acid per day.

Bottom line: Avoid folic acid!

Armed with this knowledge, Jacqueline can now make better choices about
what supplements she takes.

She adds: “I’m so glad, using your advice, to have Brewer’s yeast and
spirulina once again. I’m looking forward to getting kukui nut oil.
I’ve been using coconut oil. Thank you also for the magnet gift. That
list has been so helpful. I had no idea calcium carbonate was bad. I’ve
been using it for years for heartburn.”

She’s referring to a magnet I sent out to my existing fans last

It listed the “Dirty Dozen” chemicals found in vitamins and supplements
(avoid these at all costs!):

- Titanium Dioxide
- Magnesium Stearate
- Carrageenan
- silicon dioxide
- calcium carbonate
- Glucose Syrup
- Sucrose
- Dextrose
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Chromium
- Cholecalciferol
- Soy
- Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC)

If your multivitamin contains any of the above…trash it!

If it contains folic acid…trash it!

Instead, use Daily Dose (

As The People’s Chemist, I’ve formulated my products to be better than
all the crap on the market. I don’t use a single additive in any of my
products. When I formulate, I only use the botanicals required to have a
healing effect.

It’s that simple and yet so powerful.

This push for quality is what differentiates me from the typical bozo
selling supplements online. (Do these people even know what the hell
they’re jamming into their products?!)

Daily Dose is the only multivitamin in the world that preserves your body,
rather than poisoning it.

It halts inflammation, preserves memory, improves focus…and so much more!

Stock up at while supplies last.

Consider yourself informed.

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Remember, fake vitamins packed with cheap counterfeit ingredients
(like folic acid) don’t lead to health. They lead to sickness. Trash your
synthetic vitamins…use instead. You’ll thank me

Jacqueline also had this to say about my Immune FX supplement
( “I’ve been taking Immune FX, fighting a cold.
It’s definitely keeping it out of my lungs. I have one more day’s
supply for now. It’s working though, I can tell. Once again, thank
you.” Use to ward off cold, flu, strep throat,
allergies, and more. It’s not a drug, so it has zero side effects. Immune
FX is Mother Nature’s nature cure for cold and flu.