Subject: ~Is There an Anti-Social Media?


I used to travel all over the place giving talks. Like Bigfoot, I appeared
in the middle of nowhere and was only seen by a few people.

With science on my side, I’d speak about being anti-vaccine, anti-chemo,
and — outside of an emergency situation — anti-prescription drugs.

Slowly but surely, I made it onto television. I even got invited to be on
Dr. Oz to speak about alternatives to chemo...Ugh! Never. They expected me
to grovel for the soonest air time. It took me half a second to decline
their invitation.

It was at that moment that I swore off all media, for good.

I also shut down my social media accounts, flushing 70K followers down
the toilet.

It felt like a massive debt was lifted. It was orgasmic.

After you write a book and achieve a level of success by selling products,
people think you owe them something, like you’re indebted. And usually,
they expect you to adhere to their invisible status quo. If you don’t,
you’re ridiculed or accused of having sinister motives.

I never cooperated with those who wanted me to parrot back their B.S.

“You want me to speak on chemo alternatives? How about I speak on all the
crap being sold by YOUR SHOW and the health nuts you showcase that's
causing cancer in the first place?”

"You want me to speak on being ‘anti-vaccine’ and come across as a
typical anti-vaxxer nut case? How about I speak on how to boost immunity

They never wanted solutions. They just wanted me to choose a side, rant,
rave, and dance like a circus clown handing out balloons.

I'm not a media clown. I don't dance. I don’t put on a good show.

And I don’t care if someone has never heard of me, because I haven’t
been on the Dr. Oz show. (Personally, I think he's a scumbag and gross
to look at. But that's OK, cause I know people think that of me, too...I
digress. Is there an anti-social media?)

The millions of people whose lives I’ve helped, through my supplements,
and simply ditching their meds know who I am. That’s all that matters.

Fact is, you can't give advice to someone who’s programmed not to hear
it. People only want to hear something if it confirms their already
back-assward thinking. So fuck it.

Instead of catering to media bozos, I decided to direct 100% of my passion
to my own website ( and weigh in on real health
SOLUTIONS — primarily, teaching individuals how to cure cancer by
AVOIDING IT altogether. That starts with avoiding perfumes, antibacterial
soaps, vitamin waters, Gatorade, organic yogurts, vitamin D, calcium, folic
acid, the fancy detergent sold with an "Honest" label, shampoo,
conditioner, Roundup on your weeds...I could go on an on.

Avoiding this shit is how you avoid cancer — easily and cheaply.

That's how you live a simple, good life, enriched with meaningful
memories… not cancer and chemo.

These are the facts that have kept me virtually anonymous on social media
and the news.

Meanwhile, show producers and publishing companies are scrambling to find
the next “health guru” to write a book on eating vitamin D from fucking
sheep wool…or calcium extracted from eggshells. Why? Because they know
that the spineless tards we call “the masses” believe in these things!

What sells is what sells…even if it’s total garbage.

I refuse to play that game.

If you've been exposed to any of the aforementioned chemicals, its not 
too late.  You can detox your body with milk thistle (
and learn the safe alternatives in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded

The science of milk thistle has never been stronger. And people are using
it to capture a lifetime of health, without risk. Doctors are noticing
too, as one fan emailed to say, "My doctor recommended Cinnergy
( because I had elevated liver enzymes, my numbers
plummeted after three weeks!”

It’s about time health professionals caught on!

Milk thistle has been used for more than two thousand years to treat acute
hepatitis, chronic liver disease, jaundice, and gall stone disease. Its
ability to protect us from toxic exposure was discovered back in 1949. It
showed beneficial effects against toxicity from the chemical reagents known
as carbon tetrachloride, which can result in liver failure, coma, and even
death when someone is exposed to them. However, milk thistle successfully
protected the liver, while escorting the harsh, toxic chemical out of the

Twenty years later, milk thistle was acknowledged as a therapeutic agent
against all types of toxic exposure. Ever since, this natural detox cure
has proven wildly beneficial in protecting us from environmental toxins and
prescription drugs—and even poisonous mushrooms.

Studying milk thistle’s protective qualities, Mayo Clinic announced that,
“Multiple studies from Europe suggest benefits of oral milk thistle for
cirrhosis. In experiments up to five years long, milk thistle has improved
liver function and decreased the number of deaths that occur in cirrhotic

For $34.95 you can start living clean and fight off cancerous toxins
eroding quality of life:

If you add 3 to your cart, I'll take 15% off! Get it at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S.  Cinnergy is nature’s ultimate detoxifier.  When taken, it binds to foreign
killers and escorts them out of the body and into the toilet.  It also helps
regenerate the liver. Learn more at