Subject: ~Is Ice Bucket Challenge a Scam?


Good morning! If you've been watching the news or social media,
you've heard about the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS awareness...

I have a real problem with it.

Any disease awareness campaign that isn’t focused on “the cause,” is
only a prescription drug sales ploy.

As a chemist for Pharma, I witnessed on several occasions - pink ribbon,
yellow ribbon - how such awareness campaigns were used to usher in record
drug sales, never a "cure." The emotional tug from these is usually too
much for most people’s altruistic side to resist. Unfortunately, the emotional
ploy extracts funds that always enrich their pharmaceutical masters. The
ALS ice challenge is no different - same shit different day.

Real ALS awareness starts by understanding that the muscle wasting disease
can be triggered by one of today’s most popular drugs, cholesterol
lowering meds. It occurs when cells of the nervous system (brain and
spinal cord) become inactive. This can result from many cellular
dysfunctions. But it usually results from a protein entanglement within the
nerve cell.

Once tangled, these cells can no longer pass electrical messages through
the body, resulting in a loss of voluntary muscle control. As time passes,
muscle atrophy results. Victims of ALS usually die from inability to
breathe when muscle loss has reached an extreme.

The national average of those who suffer from ALS is a mere .0005 percent.
But, among those who reported suffering from “drug induced ALS,” nearly
a third were using cholesterol lowering drugs! Looking closer, research has
found that statin use can lead to the tangling of proteins within the
brain, causing the nervous system to shut down.

Highlighting the ALS risk among drug users, The journal, Drug Safety, wrote
“The disproportionally high reporting makes this an important signal
nevertheless, since ALS is serious clinically and statins are so widely

In light of the growing trend of drug induced ALS, awareness is only too
perfect for Big Pharma - It's guaranteed to get victims asking their doctor
if yet another drug is right for them.

(Way to go ice bucket challenge.)

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

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