Subject: ~Insane Spring Break Give-Away!

Insane Spring Break Give Away!
(Offer Ends in 24 Hours!)
15% Off Cardio FX Plus Free Secrete Health Files
High blood pressure is only a sign of heart disease, not a cause.  Coupled to obesity, muscle atrophy, belly fat and a sedentary lifestyle, a heart attack can be imminent. That's why it's the"silent killer."

Add blood pressure meds to the mix and you have a deadly cocktail of side effects, increased obesity and all out lethargy. 

Memory and focus are also shot...

That's why I'm always telling people that meds are the problem, not the solution.

Living on meds is no way to live…Being at the top of your game a pilot, chemist and dad, I'd never resort to a life on meds.

Lily and I just landed in Colorado for our Spring Break.  We will be spending it together on the slopes.  I can't help but think how many parents will be sitting in the lodge, sipping some sugary slop from a plastic cup, rather than enjoying the slopes with their kids...all because they're "too tired..."

They will blame age.

It's not's your health.  And usually, the cause is 
blood pressure meds.

If you're worried about your blood pressure, you could be the next victim - of either side effects or heart attack.

For over 10 years, I've been helping tens of thousands of people ditch their meds with Cardio FX.

It's been a massive success.

It started with pilots who needed better reaction time and focus.

When fighter pilots started emailing me to say that they tossed their blood pressure meds for Cardio FX, I started referring to it as"The Figher Pilot's Secret."

These jet jocks started getting their energy back and their health!

Then commercial pilots started emailing me their success stories.

Then moms…then dads.

Even kids with heart arrhythmias used Cardio FX in place of the oft-prescribed beta blockers.

Thus, Cardio FX went way beyond helping fighter pilots. So it just became"The All-Natural Heart Cure."

You can start taking it now see a 10% drop or more in a matter of weeks. And to push it even harder on you, I'm offering 15% off a 3-pack and tossing in my Secret Health Files absolutely FREE!

Secret Health Files is 4 hours of audio that covers all the latest in natural cures…cures that you wont find trolling the Internet…

The active ingredients in Cardio FX have been hailed by medical journal around the world.

Even the skeptics have been converted! Here is one pilot's testimony from an ad he found in the world's largest pilot's magazine:

"I too am a skeptical person when it comes to adds but the fact your ad was in the AOPA magazine and by a fellow pilot I thought it might be credible."

"My story goes like this; I am 58 and about 5 years ago while getting my third class medical the examiner said my blood pressure was getting a little high and suggested I talk to my personal doctor about what to do. So being a little naive and trusting I went to the Dr and was immediately prescribed meds with a follow up in a month. Still trusting I went back and now was prescribed Beta blockers."

"Another month passes and I feel that life as I knew it must be past, as feel so old and week. Five years pass and with 20 pounds gained and now the Dr says I have Adult onset Diabetes. Now I feel terrible all the time and am becoming even weaker. This last Christmas my 78 year old parents visit. I notice my father , yes 78 has more energy than me. Something is not right?"

"To make a long story short your website and book which I purchased Saved my life. Now with Cardio Fx and Hawthorn I am completely off the poison. I truly feel 15 years younger in just 3 months."

"This is no gimmick and really works."

"Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!! - Roger, fellow pilot from Bend, OR"

This is not an isolated case! I literally get emails almost every day from pilots who abandon the meds in favor of my all-natural, non-toxic Cardio FX!

"During my flight physicals, my typical blood pressure was around 147/85 and I really wanted to avoid prescribed BP medications. Then through the AOPA e-newsletter, I read your information about hawthorne berries being a key ingredient to your heart, blood pressure and overall circulatory system health, so I decided to give it a try - CARDIO FX. I didn't check my BP again for two weeks and was pleasantly surprised to see it had dropped to and stays around 122/67, with little deviation. I recommended hawthorn berries to an 88-year-old friend and current pilot who checked with his pharmacist friend for approval and has since lowered it about the same as mine! Thank you!"


Cardio FX is really that good!

When you're a pilot and responsible for thousands of lives every year, you can't risk side effects! And sadly, blood pressure meds come with some serious ones:

- Obesity
- Type 2 diabetes
- Cancer

Why risk it? Start taking Cardio FX now and save huge! This sale is limited to the first 100 people!

It's not being advertised on my home page.

It's not being advertised in the mail.

It's not being advertised in flying magazines.

It's only here, right now.

Stock up by clicking below.

15% Off Cardio FX Plus Free Secrete Health Files
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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