Subject: ~I'm Headed to Los Angeles...(For a movie!)

I'm headed to LA to watch a movie at The Howard Hughes Cinemark
Theater...Saturday, 10 PM!

Tickets are selling fast! I'm going to give you a link but first,
let me tell you about it...

Last year a good friend of mine - Thom Ortiz - decided to compete in MMA.

...He was 50 years old!

With the film making skills of Matt Hickney, we made a documentary!

El Viejo.

It's about a retired ASU wrestling coach who doesn't let age
derail his dreams of becoming a pro MMA fighter.

Think about that.

In the fight game, 35 years is ancient.

Thom told me, "I want to fight pro at 50 years old..."

Of course "they" told him he was crazy...

But, knowing how he rolled and trained, I knew he could do it.

And that would be pretty inspiring to a lot of people...'cause lets
face it, most people let age steal their dreams and aspirations.

It's pretty much an epidemic right now...

And that's too bad because age gives you the experience and wisdom
needed to become more proficient at fulfilling your dreams!

In fact, age gives you a second, third or whatever-chance you need
to get sh#t done!

And that's how Thom attacked his obstacles when training for a sport
that's dominated by savages half his age - he used age as his
secret weapon.

And that's what I'm most excited about...El Viejo proves that you're never
too old to live young.

Like any great pursuit, there were obstacles every step of the way when
El Viejo was first released.

There was the rejection by the Phoenix Film Festival…

Our "preview audience" refused to give public testimonials…

It sure wasn't looking good for El Viejo.

But that's pretty standard for any great pursuit - there's going to be blood,
sweat and many years of losses before your a$s even gets close to
something that resembles a victory!!!!!!

(That's usually what the motivational speakers leave out...and it's usually
why most people quit.)

But, like any goal, you gotta push gotta toss out your losses
like an old shirt and keep charging.

And that we did…

Just a few weeks ago, El Viejo won Best AZ Documentary at the Arcosanti Film
Carnivale. They wrote, "El Viejo stole our hearts and minds..."

It also won best documentary at the Los Angeles Film Awards...and a lot

But it's not about the awards or the movie.

It's about the movement.

It's about all of us living young so we can experience our own best lives...

It's about overcoming the challenges of a corrupt medical system.

It's about staying true to yourself and not letting victories or defeat
define you... is a constant battle of winning and losing, and El Viejo is a
movement that looks past the outcomes and embraces the journey and the
reward of going after your dreams, at all cost!

Join me and the film maker and crew this Saturday in LA at The
Howard Hughes Cinemark Theater, 10 PM!

I'll see you there! But you gotta get tickets here:

Want to see the trailer? Go to

Dare to live young!


P.S. Also, check out the YouTube channel to learn more about
living young in the face of fear, poor health and lots more at:

P.P.S. Straight Talk 4 hit mailboxes last week! And it's causing a massive
low-stock alert on my curcumin-rich Daily Dose. Boost memory and
recall by stocking up at