Subject: ~If you're trying to lose fat...Don't drink this!!!!


If you're trying to lose fat or even maintain your weight, there are a
few rules to live by.

First and foremost, never drink calories.

...this includes coconut water/milk.

Naturally, coconut water contains one cube of sugar (almost 5 grams)
per a couple of ounces! So a serving is going to dish up 1-3 sugar cubes.

Sugar calories are the last thing you need...

And if you're sucking down sweet drinks during a workout, your hormones
will conspire against you...That's right, drink coconut water and your fat
storing hormone insulin surges. It actually pushes testosterone and
glucagon out of your blood - both of which burn fat and grow muscle.

Some other rules I like to stick to are:

- Never eat anything served from a window or box
- Never snack, only eat 3 meals per day, separated by 5-6 hours

Combine all three of these rules and your body becomes very sensitive to
insulin! Once re-sensitized, your body produces less of it and your fat melting
hormones come back full force.

If you've spent years neglecting your weight by eating/drinking sugar and
calories, then you need true medicinal cinnamon and milk thistle. Both
of these work double time to re-sensitize your body to insulin!

Cinnergy is so effective that I've watched it cure Type II diabetes and
replace insulin among those who were told to take it by their doctor!

...And the doctors flipped out when sugar levels plummeted without insulin!

Learn all about it at

Wait, and you can be guaranteed that your blood will fill excessively with sugar.
Take action and you re-sensitize your body to it's live young hormones.

Dare to live young,

The Peoples Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy has zero interactions with meds and it's TESTED and VERIFIED
to be FREE of any coumarin or coumadin-like like compounds that are known to
thin blood. That means Cinnergy is 100% safe! Stock up at