Subject: ~If you could go back in time...

Looking back, I wish I could have taken this moment back...

I was 22 years old and I ran down the aisle looking for something healthy to eat.

I was a grad student and "too busy to cook."

I grabbed the EAS protein drink sold in the pharmacy section.

Duh! That should have been my first clue.

Well intentioned, I drank it down…

And that’s how it went almost every morning.

Then I started getting fat, irritable, and slow.

My strength in the gym faded…

What was happening?

I fell victim to the ego-maniac and self-aggrandizing king Bill Phillips.

Founder of EAS, he’s most famous for pouring more synthetic chemicals
into a single drink than all the pharmacists put together.

Fortunately for me, I was a young and aspiring chemist.

I started asking questions about what-the-hell kind of garbage
was being packaged into healthy looking labels - and hawked as being

His reassuring smile (puke) and motivational quips did nothing to derail my
research…To mu chagrin, I learned that I was choking down
synthetic vitamins, dissolved into sickening-sweet sugar water...

That was over 20 years ago and things haven’t changed.

Today, the pharmaceutical company, Abbott Labs, owns EAS.

(Bill got paid handsomely for the bait and switch.)

And plenty of other gawdawful annoying pukes (who love hearing their
own Podcasts) like Mark "Sissy" Sisson, John Cannell and the Norman
Bates of quack medicine, Dr Mercola have followed his sales model of
selling drugs disguised as vitamins...

Fortunately, I got off “my drugs.”

As soon as I stopped being swindled by EAS and the like, I started getting

But today, the masses are being poisoned...

Heart disease, heart failure, and cancer are often the outcome.

Want to ditch the chemicals in your “vitamins?”

Want to stop being a profit cow for Big Pharma?

Learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Reclaim your health and stop letting pharma sell you crap vitamins!
Learn more at