Subject: ~If Pilots Can Trust This Cure, So Can You!


Over the Thanksgiving break, I took my son, Blair, and father-in-law
flying over Long Beach and then further South to Oceanside, CA. Blair
was quick to teach grandpa how to pre-flight the plane to check for
airworthiness. In addition, pilots are taught how to check themselves.

Is the pilot fit and ready to fly?

The limiting factor for most pilots today is blood pressure. In fact, over
the next 5 years, tens of thousands will lose their pilot's license to
high blood pressure...And for being overweight!

This is a tragedy that's all too common. Pilot or not, cardiovascular
health and weight are taking a nose dive.

Prescription meds aren't going to help.

It's well known that prescription blood pressure meds cause more
problems than they prevent. Things like poor energy, obesity and Type II
diabetes are all too common.

Fortunately, there's an alternative. A recent email illustrates
how effective Cardio FX can be at protecting your heart!

"Thank you so much for bringing everything you bring to the average
consumer as well as the fellow pilot population. As a 57 year old male and
a bit over weight - my blood pressure was 160 / 95 just one year ago. Not
good! Fortunately through research I stumbled onto your website. Today -
one year or so after initiating my first order of Cardio FX - my most
recent blood pressure reading for an insurance exam was 120 / 68! I
actually feel better and my face is no longer so red." - PILOT

Cardio FX works! You can easily measure it's effectiveness by testing
your blood pressure and also by increased quality of life you gain
over the years!

To help you get Cardio FX, I'm offering a FREE audio CD to anyone who
orders a 3-pack. Buy 3 and you will not only get 15% off regular
price, but I'll also send you my audio CD, 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can
Permanently Harm You, absolutely FREE. Simply forward your receipt to

Buy here now:

This is the greatest investment you can make for your health...Guaranteed.
And with this "hard sell" offer, you have no excuses not to have healthy
blood pressure!

Since I only have a limited number of audio courses available, this offer
ends in 24 hours.

Bulletproof your cardiovascular system now at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist