Subject: ~I wouldn't go through winter without this!


If I told you that I couldn't keep up with the testimonials that
get emailed to me, I would not be lying!

Of course, like all the online swindlers will tell you, it's easy
to talk sh$t to sell sh$t online.

And since, I'm the king of talking sh$t, I know this. But if you know me,
then you know that I reserve sh$t talking for bars, the wrestling mat and
sometimes for air traffic controllers:)

I never bring sh$t talking to the lab. Living young
is serious business.

So too is Immune FX. I designed this product 13 years ago for my wife,
Lea-Ann. Early in our marriage, she explained that she got strep throat
every year! It started when she was a kid.

Back then, she insisted that she HAD to take antibiotics, every year, for her

I explained that infections can remain dormant and that she needed to
boost her immune system in order to fully flush it out. You can have
something but still not have symptoms...and when it gets cold, bam.

That winter, when she got strep throat, she took Immune FX instead
of the antibiotics.

She has not had strep throat ever since...She got hints of it when
Blair was born, but got rid of it naturally too.

We don't go a winter without taking Immune FX.

This testimony also reflects how effective Immune FX is at boosting the
immune system when prescription drugs fail.

"I would like to share my experience with immune FX."

"Two months ago I had a c-section due to preeclampsia and had my baby
2 months early. After 3 days in the hospital post surgery I was sent home
with lots of pain drugs, BP drugs and iron pills. And of course I didn't
take any of them after reading your book."

Instead of getting better at home I was getting worse, then I started
having fever and could barely walk. So my husband took me to ER. After
spending a whole day in ER and running lots of tests, they told me that I
developed hematoma in my in csection area. I got admitted to have that
drained. And was put in IV antibiotic that didn't work at all.

"After 2 days I was discharged still feeling weak and in pain. I went back
to the doctors office and she said I have bladder infection. So she put me on
even more antibiotics for 10 days. I went home mad, did not pick up
antibiotics at the pharmacy but instead started taking immune FX."

"I was taking 2 caps twice a day. After three days I felt great. No pain no
discomfort. I continued taking Immune FX for 4 more days. I felt great even
the pain went away. So I just wanted to thank you for your amazing work.
And opening our eyes about drugs that Drs say are "safe". Since reading
your book I haven't taken any drugs and threw away the ones I have!"

Bolster your immune system now.

Buy Immune FX at

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Immune FX is far better than the sugary, synthetic crap you're
buying as "vitamin C" or "Emergen-C." Really? You have an
emergen-c deficiency? Now you need a sugary packet with bright
colors to get better? Now you feel better cause you choked down
"ascorbic acid?" Get real health with - your energy
levels go through the roof when you immune system isn't overloaded!