Subject: ~I was horrible! (Only 24 hours Left!)

Morning Friend!

Only 12 hours left to save...but first let me say this:

Whatever your resolution is this year…you can do it!

"You" as in YOURSELF — you can make it happen.

Go Fund Me can't help you.

The president can't help you.

Your parents can't help you.

And your doctor can't help you.

Only you can help you.

That was our message to the kiddos on New Year's Eve.

Deep down, we all know this to be true. If you give your goal 100%, you can do it and you don't have to rely on anyone. The truth is…it's all up to you.

Unfortunately, most people will get flattened by obstacles like a plastic cup being smashed on a highway. Then they'll start relying too much on others, which causes an inevitable loss forever.

Nobody can care about you, more than yourself...

Every Christmas I'm reminded about the person who taught me this — my high school wrestling coach, Manny Martinez.

He proved to me that you can fail a background check, a urine test, and even a "personality test" (LOL), and still "go be great."

You can be inexperienced and talentless…but you don't have to lose.

Failing someone's "test" or expectations doesn't have to determine your fate for the rest of your life.

You just have to grow horns and charge through the obstacles like a bull.

Despite all the chaos and trouble I created as a teen, coach Martinez would insist, "I'm not mad at you. Just keep showing up and we'll work it out together."

Even if I was ineligible to compete, he encouraged me to show up to practice anyway.

If it was a holiday, he told me to show up to practice anyway.

When there was trouble (which there always was), he never came at me with anger — just love, support, and the die-hard work ethic of "just keep showing up."

In time, I grew my own horns.

"…Your biggest victories come right after your biggest losses," coach always told me.

That was 30 years ago.

Since that time, I've gone on to charge even bigger challenges. I've competed at NCAA wrestling, tackled college, graduate school, marriage, and fatherhood. I became a pilot, author, business owner, and started jiu-jitsu at 33 years old.

I've mastered none of these.

In fact, I started each one of them horribly…not knowing what I was doing!

Throw a dart at any of the above and you can bet your a$$ I was downright God-awful...

But, I was committed to showing up and trying like hell to improve 1% at every go.

I have a long way to go. But, 1% improvement in anything is better than being stagnant when you get to the "finish line."

So this year, when you attack your resolution, let nothing stand in your way.

When obstacles pop up (which they undoubtedly will), depend on no one. Hold your vision tight, sharpen your edges, and move on like an immutable Persian soldier invading Greece, wielding your sword high, and swinging it with crushing accuracy.

Be warned.

The hardest part about overcoming obstacles is having to face your own inadequacies. You have to shake hands with your weakness. You have to make eye contact with the ignorant decisions you've made in the past, the bad habits you've allowed to take over your life…and the stupidity you've let yourself engage in…and vow to CHANGE!

Don't look away.

Embrace that awful feeling of not wanting to show up…of not wanting to feel uncomfortable, inadequate, embarrassed, and not worthy because of past indiscretions…whether it's carrying too much weight, having diabetes or heart disease, or simply being a complacent person…grow your horns and charge through each and every "mess" you've created!

If you can do that, you can improve 1% forever…

If you're aiming for fitness, let me help with my FREE 18 Minute Workout.

Simply search "18 Minute Workout" on your phone in the App Store.

If you're aiming for knowledge or want the purest botanical medicine to help you live young, visit:

If you want a 20% discount…hell, I can help with that, too. Fill out this survey and you'll get an instant coupon code for 20% off!


But hurry, this offer ends in 12 hours!

In 2020, you can rest assured that as The People's Chemist, I'll be "showing up," just as I have for 18 years!

That means I'll continue selling the world's most effective and purest botanical medicine and helping thousands of people ditch the meds.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. You can hire people to help you, seek free handouts, or get all the "adult hand-holding" you want in life — but ultimately, YOU'RE the one who has to change your own life! YOU'RE the one who has to get off the couch, and do the work!

For instance, if you want to ditch the statins, blood pressure meds, anti-depressants and more, — you're the one who has to lift a finger and read 3 Worst Meds. Get this hardcover to change your life forever at - learn all the low-cost alternatives!!!!! 

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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