Subject: "I want my blood pressure under control for better health", says fan

If you want to strengthen your arteries and bolster your heart health while
busting unruly blood clots, pay attention...oh yea and you can get off
your blood pressure meds, too!

For decades, Big Pharma has been pushing us to drive our blood pressure
lower and lower. These guidelines of “lower is better” has been at war
with the scientific evidence, which proves that “lower is not better,”
as we age.

In other words, high blood pressure—as defined by anything over 140/80—
is not a death sentence. These numbers are designed to sell drugs by
converting healthy people with naturally rising BP into patients.

That’s right, rising blood pressure is a normal part of aging that doesn't
require drug intervention—even when it reaches or exceeds 140/80.

Evidence for this was uncovered as far back as the 1800’s.

Underscoring this fact in the book, Circulation of the Blood: Men and Ideas,
cardiovascular researcher pioneers Fred Mahomed (1874), Clifford Allbutt
(1896), Henri Huchard (1893), and others demonstrated from 1874 to 1893
that hypertension may occur without overt renal disease may even occur
before hardening of the arteries or blockage. Of course, the same it true
today. And later, these early scientists coined the term, “essential
hypertension” to describe the elevation of blood pressure as a normal,
compensatory reaction to healthy aging.

In a 1912 speech to the Glasgow Southern Medical Society, Sir William Osler
made the following statement about high blood pressure associated with
atherosclerosis: “In this group of cases it is well to recognize that the
extra pressure is a necessity–as purely a mechanical affair as in any
great irrigation system with old encrusted mains and weedy channels. Get it
out of your heads, if possible, that the high pressure is the primary
feature, and particularly the feature to treat.”

The very early misinterpretation of blood pressure discouraged the
development of blood pressure drugs as far back as 100 years ago!

But the sales reps didn't listen.

Of course, blood pressure meds are great for emergency, but
deadly if used every day.

The real key to total cardiovascular health is hawthorn. Combined with
grape seed extract, garlic and magnesium, it's the definitive way to help
your cardiovascular system help itself...not only does it help you get
off blood pressure meds, but also off risky blood thinners!

Learn more at

When you purchase Cardio FX, you'll know within hours that it's working
courtesy of controlled blood pressure and lower resting heart rate!

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The People's Chemist