Subject: ~I spend my money on what!?

Just found this on Amazon...

“Shane Ellison is bold and he speaks up for the people!!! I appreciate
everything he does. His products have been LIFE CHANGING for my family,
specifically and All of them are
top quality and effective, we have used about all of them in my house.”

“There were some things I thought I was doing that were ‘healthy’
before reading this book, and I realized there are just as many unhealthy
damaging things in the ‘health’ industry. Shane helps to sort through
all of that with the sciences and facts behind it. If you think you are
doing everything right, I challenge you to read this book! This book and
these products literally wiped out illness in my family. Changed us!!!”

Thank you Amazon Reviewer!

(It’s nice to know not all Amazon reviewers are braindead trolls of
Pharma. Please, if you haven’t already, please write a review at

So many people THINK they’re doing good things for their health (like
chugging synthetic vitamin D pills, drinking soy or almond milk, or
swallowing toxic calcium pills) —but often their actions are based on what
they saw on TV, or read in some lame “health” magazine.

I wrote Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded to counter all the B.S. It
reveals the truth on prescription drugs and supplements. It shows you how
to achieve real health without drugs or worthless pills sold by hucksters
on the internet.

Yes, I sell my own pills…and yes, I make money off them. I even use that
money to buy things like gourmet food, cars, airplanes and diamond rings
for my wife. (For years I’ve been getting emails from people complaining
that I’m in business for a profit…no shit! That’s why it’s called
a business, assholes!)

…All of my creations are at

I wrote the book so that anyone could ditch the meds in favor
over-the-counter natural cures. It outlines 10 lifesaving supplements that
cost less than $10. Every supplement mentioned is far better than the
drugs doled out by doctors…and if you want even higher potency
supplements - at a higher cost - without preservatives and fillers, then visit

I don’t sell anything without rigorously testing it to ensure medicinal
quality. And I don’t sell anything I wouldn’t give to my own kids.
That’s what differentiates The People’s Chemist...I built the business
to be the absolute best provider of online supplements.

But first, you need to be informed...The best way to do think for yourself
is to read the book! Buy a copy of the book at

Study it. Apply it. If it doesn’t work for you, light it on fire…I don’t give a sh#t.

Like the reviewer above stated, following the book’s guidelines will help
you wipe out illness. That’s not an understatement…it’s the truth.

As of this morning, there are 492 5-star, Verified Purchase reviews of my
book on Amazon.

(The handful of sloppy negative reviews are mostly lazy people, or drug
companies in disguise, posting lame-ass shit about how there was “nothing
new” in my book.)

As long as my book is helping at least one family wipe out illness…I’ll
keep selling it!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Immune FX ramps up the immune system’s natural ability to fight off
illness. Use it to stay 100% healthy, even while everyone else around you
is sick. Try your first bottle at

Meanwhile, Cinnergy is the perfect natural cure to protect yourself from
diabetes. Made with organic cinnamon and milk thistle, it crushes high
blood sugar, detoxes the liver, prevents premature aging, and more. No side
effects. See for yourself! Order