Subject: ~I put clothes on for this pic...(Last Night)

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Date night! (I put the shorts on just for the pic. It’s totally private here and I really didn’t need ’em.)

As the summer sun set, I locked the kids in the basement with some crackers and water…and surprised Lea-Ann with date night by the pool!

All she had to do was choose which bottle of wine she wanted.

“Want the wine from Tuscany or the other one from…Tuscany?”

She chose the one from Tuscany.

With the rhythmic percussion of waves washing up on the sand, I had everything I needed: A hottie in a small bikini, a salt water pool underneath the emblazoned sun casting fireballs of orange, pink and purple into the sky, and the best vintage of Tuscan wine with delicately ethereal aromas…courtesy of resting in oak casks for 10 years. After the first glass I can usually speak Italian fluently. (Fuck Rosetta Stone.)

We’ll probably miss dinner and go straight to the bedroom for "dessert."

But wait…doesn’t alcohol cause cancer?!?

The scientific journal Addiction recently published their findings, confirming what many others have said before: “There is strong evidence that alcohol causes cancer at seven sites in the body and probably others.”

That’s right. It’s true. Alcohol is a carcinogen…CAAR-SIN-O-GIN for the slow people.

…But after 18 years of marriage, nothing’s getting in the way of date night. 

Tonight, Lea-Ann’s getting sun, wine, and muscle…not cancer.

Plus, I’ve got a great weapon against cancer, once we’re done with the fun.

You can have it, too…

But first you need to understand what cancer actually is…then I’ll show you how to start protecting yourself daily…for just under a dollar a day thanks to the HUGE discount I’m offering.

This is especially important if you drink alcohol!

Truth be told, cancer is everywhere. Right now, millions of your cells are committing suicide…and that’s a good thing!
Once plucked off, they’re cleaned and eliminated from the body courtesy of the amazing IMMUNE SYSTEM, leaving behind only healthy cells. It’s like Jack Bauer knocking off terrorists by brute force.

Your survival depends on this process.

All cancer is a normal cellular process that only leads to death when unhealthy cells fail to commit suicide in response to some type of DNA damage — like from alcohol. Rather than “fight” cancer, you simply need to cooperate with your body to ensure that this vital protection mechanism remains intact. And the best way to do this is with nutritional chemotherapy…

Remember that!

While the rest of the body is busy producing new healthy cells, individual cells must be able to self-destruct when they become cancerous. Technically known as apoptosis — or “programmed cell death” — this critical process is induced by nutrient logic — where you feed your body select nutrients found in nature.

Commenting on the importance of programmed cell death to protect us, Jon Christensen wrote in the New York Times:

“Apoptosis plays a crucial role in developing and maintaining healthy organisms by eliminating unnecessary, old, and unhealthy cells. In contrast to the more familiar and messy death known as necrosis, which is caused by an injury or attack that results in the hemorrhaging of cells and inflammation, apoptosis is a neat way to eliminate cells without leaving any evidence behind.”

John Reed, MD, PhD, president of the Burnham Institute for Medical Research, has shown that a healthy human body replaces more than 1 million cells every second. It’s quite possible to replace the entire body every year with fresh cells.

(Can we please replace all the slothful morons scrolling Facebook and Instagram…with highly productive geniuses?!? Just daydreaming…)

Just as your body can’t activate metabolism without sufficient water, your cells cannot protect you from cancer (courtesy of programmed cell death) without nutritional chemotherapy.

I’ll help you with that…but keep reading.

In short, nutrient logic “helps your body help itself.”

Over the last two decades or so, several nutrients have been identified to help cancer cells activate this survival mechanism when needed. That’s why I call it nutritional chemotherapy: these nontoxic compounds work directly with the body, not against it, to stop cancer cells from proliferating.

(And to think, the f&#@king morons in the cancer drug industry have everyone convinced that cancer patients should be radiated six ways to China to kill off cancer. Stupid. Just give them the right nutrients.)

Mother Nature’s most potent weapon against cancer is turmeric.
Not only does this commonly used spice give cancer cells a “biological smack-down” — it also can prevent unruly and invasive cancer tumors from spreading. 

Turmeric, otherwise known as “Indian gold,” has been used as an immunity booster in the Far East for thousands of years, probably tens of thousands. Only in the last two decades has it received attention from major universities for its ability to fight cancer. 

Early in the 1990s, the University of Texas’s M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, in Houston, found the anticancer effects of turmeric to be “staggering.”

After sprinkling a pinch of the spice on cancer cells in the lab, they found that it blocked a crucial pathway required for the development of skin cancer and other types, including prostate tumors.

This is the equivalent of politely telling cancer to “GTFO”…and it listens.

Epidemiology has further increased the turmeric excitement with population studies showing that India, the country whose residents consume most of the world’s turmeric, has the world’s lowest prostate cancer rate—twenty-five times less than that of men within the United States.

That’s pretty astounding.

Further studies by the University of Wisconsin and others reported that turmeric blocks a type of cancer fertilizer known as VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). Without this growth factor, cancer cells are unable to thrive and eventually commit cell suicide. 

They know they can’t win!

In 2001, scientists also discovered that turmeric dampens the inflammation cascade within the body, thereby stopping the proliferation of cancer in its tracks.

Unlike conventional treatments, turmeric strengthens healthy cells, while removing cancerous ones with laser-like precision.  In 2002, scientists began unraveling how turmeric selectively gave cancer cells a biological smack-down. They found that cancer cells produce “transcription factors” that turn off the survival mechanism of cell suicide. 

Turmeric’s active ingredients include a host of compounds known as curcuminoids. Collectively, they attack the cancer’s transcription factor. Doing so restores the cells’ ability to commit suicide and, therefore, frees us from cancer’s wanton destruction WITHOUT harming healthy cells.

You want your mom to know about this! Forward the email!

Lucky for you, turmeric is one of the key ingredients in my safe multi-vitamin, Daily Dose (order at
Translation: Lea-Ann and I can drink wine, while knowing that any cancerous cells lurking in our bodies will automatically have to face nature’s best weapon against it…because we both take Daily Dose. (The kids do, too.)

For a short time, I’m offering Daily Dose Dose for 20% off, which I NEVER do….but I really want people using this to protect themselves from all the carcinogens out there…especially if you enjoy a drink every now and then…and especially if you’re a hard drinker! (In which case, you should add Cinnergy to your order so that the milk thistle protects your liver...and since you're saving money now, it's the smart thing to do.)
So take advantage of this rare deal while it lasts!  Remember, Daily Dose is the only multi-vitamin in the world that doesn't have synthetic ingredients or preservatives, as required by most stores today!  Incredulously, some of these ingredients added to competing products actually CAUSE cancer!

Get for 20% off now!  Today only...It also has memory boosting boswellic acids!


Dare to live young,
The People’s Chemist

P.S. For a limited time, Daily is a whopping 20% OFF. I never offer it this low. Protect yourself from carcinogens known to cause cancer by taking this super multivitamin…and trash all your other multivitamins while you’re at it. Get your first bottle of Daily Dose at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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