Subject: ~I never intended to...

I never intended to become The People's Chemist.

After graduating with a degree in biology and chemistry, I
charged forward to graduate school to study medicinal chemistry.

My goal was to make pharmaceuticals for the masses!

Therefore, after graduating with a masters degree and earning
"graduate student of the year," I became a bench chemist for Big Pharma.

I wanted to say in the lab...

The lab was my man cave. It was shelter from all the
idiotic noise of everyday life.

There was no social media, no phone, no talking heads shouting through a TV
and no vitamin warriors shouting facts from "Google University."

Except there was one problem:

We were making anti-cancer meds that actually caused cancer...and the
company withheld that data from the public. (Read

So, I walked.

I soon learned that the "vitamin and supplement" industry was just as dubious.

I started referring to them as "vitamin warriors."

Vitamin warriors believe that everything from Barbie Bandaids to sea salt is a
cure-all! And when you question their nonsense, they insist on giving you
dirty looks, only to scurry off their phone to copy and paste some bullsh@t
study on their social media pages.

Never ones for independent thought or even to read a book, vitamin warriors
love name-dropping, podcasts, and social media. When they get a cough, they
choke down ascorbic acid and post how wonderful “vitamin C” is.

Total madness.

When the days get shorter, they regurgitate headlines espousing the
benefits of vitamin D pills and ascorbate, lab derived chemicals with zero

Vitamin warriors are scientifically anorexic.

...Their skin is pale and their frail physique screams synthetic vitamin

As The People’s Chemist (TPC), my corner of the landscape is a decidedly
rogue, sometimes shadowy, and far less glamorous place. I don’t do
interviews or podcasts. I have zero followers. And TPC is void of any
social media presence.

My main representations are a bunch of expensive chemistry books sprinkled
with adjectives like “novel,” “combinatorial,” “heterogenous”
and “nuclear.” I have my own slang, which often fails miserably to
bridge the gap between scientific common sense and the pure idiocy that is
the masses.

But I still try.

And with that push, the 3rd Edition of Straight Talk is now going out with
ALL orders placed this week!

Think of Straight Talk as a manual to help you get past vitamin warriors -
people who are hell bent on getting you to choke down BS, online, for profit.

A disenfranchised member of the Internet culture with no misgivings or
preconceptions, I'm mailing Straight Talk to top fans as the byproduct of
my three decades as a chemist!

Place your order today and you get Straight Talk for FREE!

Stock up at

You'll want to share it if you're actually "awake!"

Straight Talk is a boutique drug-of-sorts that you read and study, not
ingest. Rather than getting you “high,” it gets you educated. It's designed to
help you see past the circus that is online health and wellness.

It’s more pure than the sh@t pushed by the soulless cartel that’s been
botched by self-aggrandizing media puff and laced with trendy synthetic
vitamin D and C suggestions.

Straight Talk is yoked with truth. Its raw material comes straight from my
experience in the lab, non-adulterated. Side effects include sudden reality
checks. As you wean off the senseless bullshit you’ve been taught from
your doctors and “online research,” your health will be restored.
You’ll think more clearly and you’ll look a lot better in the eyes of
the people you hate, but try to impress online.


Look for it with your order!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Straight Talk 3 is out! Stock up on your health at
and get it FREE!