Subject: ~I "Rented" for 2 Decades

For two decades, I rented.

That's right, through my twenties and thirties, as a father,
I filled out rental applications and submitted "deposits."

I was an outcast...the guy who had nothing to talk about at parties.

People would parrot, "OMG, we just bought our first home..."

"OMG, we just qualified to buy a home..."

"Oh, you're still renting?"

Yea, yea, yea...

For years I had to listen to all the brainless chirping about how terrible
it is to if I didn't already know the stupid cliches.

In time, they all learned how wrong they were...

99% of these same people went "under water."

Even today, as the new bubble grows, they still owe on their homes or
are trying to sell them...

They still work sh#t careers to pay their mortgage while their home values

That's because it's a high tech Ponzi scheme that most people are
too stupid to see, before it's too late.

To conceal the scam, the bankers come up with all kinds of crazy names
like "a fully amortizing mortgage," an "interest only mortgage," and a "negative
amortization mortgage."

None of these options are "buying." It's glorified renting.

Then there's the housing collapse...

It's the same type of scheme in medicine.

As a medicinal chemist for almost 30 years of my life, I've watched it
steal people's health.

Especially among Type II diabetics.

They make up crazy, technical names, and sell them to people as a cure.

Yet, there's not a single prescription medication that can cure Type II diabetes.

But that doesn't stop them from selling you on names like:

Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Dopamine Agonists
DPP-4 Inhibitors
Glucagon-like peptides get the picture.

All a bunch of toxins disguised as biobabble.

And the sick, desperate people who fail to do their homework take the

There's a better's kinda like protecting your money while renting
your house, and charging the landlord to pay all the taxes, the mortgage
and fix the leaks.

It's called Cinnergy.

It has zero side effects and cures your blood sugar ills for very little

Pat emailed me her story that's so emblematic of others who use Cinnergy:

"My friend Francine Fraser turned me on to Cinnergy last year. I became
Type II diabetic about 6 years ago.  Every year I had a blood test and my
blood sugar was always out the roof - 394!  I was working with a nutritionist
who was giving me all sorts of supplements but that never changed."  

"Then last year I started taking Cinnergy.  I finally had a blood test taken a
couple of months ago and recently got the results.  My blood sugar was
at 111!!!  I attribute it all to Cinnergy.  Thank you for this amazing product!"

This is no fluff, no hype, no nonsense!

I made Cinnergy to save lives.

Want to clean your liver, beat sugar and ditch the meds?

Get off your A$$ then and order Cinnergy at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

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