Subject: I Knee-Capped This Colorado Dentist!

...Flying a small plane around the country puts me in unknown territory.

Recently, I was in Durango, CO and needed a routine cleaning.

My regular “hands off” dentist is in LA…I had date night coming up.
Everything was ready - biceps bulging, six-pack, bad attitude, tight white

I just needed some shiny whites.

I looked up a "holistic dentist,” called and made an appointment.

Bam. The next day, I was in the dental chair staring at the fancy lights.

Then, I was told I needed an X-ray.

For a cleaning?



"Look in my mouth. Clean it. I pay you. I even brushed before
I came."

I said that.

After all, X-rays should only be used in an emergency. Too many and your
neck and body become a breeding ground for cancer.

The Cancer Journal for Clinicians warned that, ”To reduce future
projected cancers from diagnostic procedures [X-ray], we advocate the
widespread use of evidence-based appropriateness criteria for decisions
about imaging procedures.”

In 2012, researcher and neurosurgeon Elizabeth B. Claus, MD, PhD, of Yale
University School of Medicine and Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital
found that, “people who reported having "bitewing" X-rays at least yearly
were found to have a 40% to 90% greater risk of meningioma.”

This is why I seek out “holistic dentists.”

Typically, they like to engage their brain and are less invasive with BS
treatments they don’t need, like x-rays and fluoride.

But in the case of Dr. John Rothschild of Holistic Dentistry of Durango,
“holistic” is just a cheap sales ploy to attract hippies and
forward-thinking parents. (He’s the Boy Scout type in High School who
snitched on you for throwing a few back during lunch, but still couldn’t
ace you on the Algebra test.)

Having internalized the dangers of excessive radiation, I told Mr. Holistic
Dentist that my history with dental x-rays doesn’t allow it. I’ve reached my
personal limit from emergency dental work I received as a child.

(Jumping into hotel pools from the roof, beating up ‘roider bullies and
bull riding wasn't conducive to my smile as a teen. I had ample dental
work to fix it. Any 10 year old , can see that my front teeth are fake and look
like sh#t. No dental degree or x-ray required. Just shine 'em and we're good.)

He ignored that.

Mr. Holistic, not knowing anything about me or my background, insisted
that X-rays were as safe as sun exposure.

I didn’t feel like being his teacher. I just wanted to break his knees.

(The teen inside me was steaming over his flimsy attitude over x-rays and his
greed for charging be for something I didn't need. A bat would have been
the perfect “health insurance” at this point. Plus, every kid in town
would know to avoid the dentist with a limp…)

Ahhh, I’ve grown up.

I was sure to thank him for, "wasting my time." He was speechless…How
clueless was he?

First, he refused to account for my dental history.

Second, he’s ignorant of the radiation threat.

And finally, he refused to help a patient get a routine cleaning for
preventive health, which is the foundation of a truly holistic practice.

This is more proof that the medical industry is swollen with dictators who
refuse to treat for health, only wealth.

...X-rays are big money, compared to just a simple cleaning.

And sadly, every time I hear of a child with brain cancer, I can't help but
to wonder, "How many times did they go to the dentist?"

The Journal of the American Dental Association has also sounded the alarm,
writing that, ”Five epidemiological studies of brain, cranial meninges,
and salivary gland tumor sites reviewed implicate prior dental radiography
[X-ray] with increased risk of subtentorial intracranial meningiomas and
tumors of the parotid gland.”

This is proof that the cancer threat is everywhere and doctors are
ignoring it.

(If kneecapping a dentist saves one kid from brain cancer, hand me the

That's why turmeric, rich in curcumin, is vital in today's toxic
environment. In fact, turmeric is so potent at warding off cancer, it even works to
repair damage caused by X-rays.

Scientists writing for Integrative Cancer Therapies wrote, "Gargling with
turmeric by head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy
provided significant benefit by delaying and reducing the severity of
mucositis. Turmeric is readily available, relatively inexpensive, and
highly accepted making it useful in cancer treatment."

Put a cancer shield on every day with and start
putting turmeric to use, before it's too late!

Get Daily Dose at

Do it! You'll feel the difference and you’ll rest easy knowing that
you’re protecting your family!

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. How’d date night go? The college flunky at Ken and Sues carded me
for a beer. I made a scene. We left. Nobody asks me for ID. I’m a
man. I drink. We left to have a few at The Office. Then we enjoyed the
always tasty, but uppity Cypress Cafe. After that, well…I married and
ultra-hottie, so what do you think?