Subject: Husband Angers His Doctor, Quits Blood Pressure Meds!

Some people crawl through life at the mercy of doctors...

Like swimming through a "sea of diarrhea," patients find themselves
neck-deep in BS via "following doctors orders."

One of the stinkiest lines of BS ever invented in the history of sick care
is the phrase, "You need blood pressure medication." I don't give a rat's
ass if your blood pressure is as high as the moon…NOBODY needs blood
pressure meds outside of emergency situations.

There's a safer way to lower and CONTROL blood pressure, and I'll share
that in a minute.

Linda wrote to me confessing that her husband didn't need blood pressure
meds, either…so she took action to get him off the drugs.

After His Heart Attack, Docs Wanted to Load Him Up on Dangerous Heart

"Eight years ago my husband had a heart attack," says Linda. "After having
a tube shoved down his veins, the doctors told him the whole left side of
his heart was blocked and surgery was not an option. They said he needed a
heart transplant. My husband said ‘No way!' We got a second opinion and
they said the same thing — they wanted to put my husband on really bad
heart drugs. He was already on blood pressure meds at the time."

That's the ongoing battle for control in America…doctors try to push as
many meds onto as many people as possible. It never ends. They use real
health emergencies as an excuse to attack even harder.

The only way this ends is if YOU, THE PATIENT put a stop to the BS.

A Loving Wife Protects Her Husband from Risky Meds!

"I asked my husband if he would consider doing something I had read about
— taking whole food organic vitamins and eating organic foods," says Linda.
"He agreed to do so. I bought Cardio FX for him, and he began taking two a day.
His blood pressure now is great and he is drug-free."

Cardio FX is my natural supplement for protecting the cardiovascular
system. It's the safer alternative for people who are sick and tired of
wasting their money and their health on blood pressure meds.

As a medicinal chemist, I created Cardio FX to safely lower blood pressure,
heal arteries, strengthen the heart, and act as an insurance policy against
blood clots! When I say "insurance," I don't mean worthless Obama health
insurance — I mean something that actually protects your heart, with
measurable results.

Drugs may artificially lower your blood pressure, but they do so at the
expense of the rest of your body. That's like chopping off your arm in
order to get rid of a sore tricep. Just doesn't make sense.

Heart meds slowly KILL your cardiovascular system over time. They're
designed to keep you "barely alive," so that you can still keep buying the
drugs and making drug sellers rich.

Congestive Heart Failure…Magically Gone?!?

Luckily, Linda's husband got off all the drugs and is no longer at the
mercy of anyone!

"At the time, they told him he had only 5 years to live," says Linda. "It's
now been 8 years and they cannot explain how his congestive heart failure
is gone! The blood pressure medication was the only drug left that he was
taking. He's feeling great now and pissing off the doctors. They tell him
to continue doing what he's doing, while showing him the door. It's so
funny, they don't even want to know."

I love hearing success stories like this. It's more satisfying than giving
the sick care industry the middle finger. When just ONE person takes
control of their health, it creates hope for others to do the same.

The strategy is easy: give your heart exactly what it needs to be young,
and it will be young and healthy!

"Thanks for such a great product, and thank you for your book," says Linda.
"I also told my friend who is 81 about Cardio FX. She was taking 2
different kinds of blood pressure meds, and now she, too, is drug-free.
Thanks so much, and love your newsletters. - Linda H."

To Take Bad Heart Drugs…Or Not to Take Them?! (Your Choice!)

You don't need doctors, drugs, surgery, more drugs, or blood pressure meds
to live a healthy, happy life.

When someone tells you "You only have 5 years left to live," you don't have
to believe them. Take charge of your health. Give your body what it needs
to heal naturally. Safely wean yourself off heart meds…and be astounded
by the results.

And remember, there's a SAFER way to lower blood pressure, and it's called
Cardio FX. I should call it "Live Longer," because
that's what exactly it helps you do!


Dare to live young,

Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison