Subject: Hurry! Relief FX 20% Off For Outrage Sale!


Just a quick courtesy email to let you know that my 20% off sale for Relief
FX ends in 5 hours!

Get it here:

As a side note, we just flew back home. I went up to about 14,000ft!
It was beautiful. You could see the snow melt off into the desert. The air
was smooth and you could see for days.

When I'm flying, I like having quick energy on hand. I don't do the Red Bull
or 5-Hour Energy thing. Instead, I like something truly natural! So at about the
2 hour mark, I opened up my "Energy Elixir" made by Nature's Plus.

It was awesome! Loaded with ginseng and more, it gives an awesome,
all-natural energy buzz! Look for it at your local, hippie-organic grocery
store. (Great too on the slopes!)

Sorry to get side-tracked...Want all natural pain relief at a huge
discount? Hurry and get Relief FX while it's on sale:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist