Subject: Hurry! 2020 Discount Code! (And Pic of Me at 27 vs 45 yo)

The People's Chemist
Get Your Coupon Code and Get 20% Off! 
(Extremely Limited Time Offer!)
There I am...At 27 years old Lea-Ann and I had just come to the crossroads.  I couldn't stand working in the labs of pharma. (Yet, I had dedicated my entire academic career to medicinal chemistry.)

...I was gaining weight from my career misery.  Pumping out "anti-cancer" meds just to watch them cause cancer wasn't exactly rewarding.

I had to walk away.

And that's when The People's Chemist was born.

I vowed to help people ditch the meds so they could start living young...with me.

And that's where I am today.  

Walking away from meds was the best thing I could do.

And to help me encourage others, I need your help!

Please take 3 minutes to take my survey.  Very short!

Once done, you will be given a discount code for 20% off.

Use it for any products sold at!

Offer Ends in Hours!

Go here:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S.  This is a very short, anonymous survey!  If you're serious about joining the battle to help people ditch their meds to live young, take 3 minutes to answer a few questions!  At the end, I'll give you a COUPON CODE for 20% off:
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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