Subject: ~How to Tell If Your Vitamins are CONTAMINATED! (NEW BLOG)


My sidekick (10 year old son Blair) said, "I think you're going
to put some companies out of business with this blog."

...I was posting last night and he wanted to check out my site.

He had a hunch what The People's Chemist was. But this one article
essentially showed him what I do as a medicinal chemist: Make sure
people aren't swallowing contaminated vitamins.

In fact, with that one goal in mind, I started TPC over ten years ago.

I couldn't take the cheap radio ads and Internet salesman any longer.

And the stuffy doctors who couldn't tell you the difference between lab-
derived compounds and those from nature drove me to my breaking the hell does a 4 year medical school curriculum leave this

Start protecting yourself from contaminated products by reading
and sharing my new blog:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. I am still sold out of most products. We do have limited
stock left of if you want to boost your
immune system this winter!