Subject: How to Stop Sugar Cravings with Two Natural Compounds


I love sugar. It's great for parties and makes an easy gift. Plus, you can bribe kids with
it. (I'm only kidding.)

But, lets face it. Sugar is the devil.

That's why, you have to shut down sugar cravings on the molecular level.

Sugar is addicting...Give your body just a little and it will want more. That's because it
elevates feel good chemicals in the brain.

The trick is to force your body to become more sensitive to its OWN

That's right, the body can make its own sugar for fuel and "feel good." But unlike the damaging
table sugar, it makes glucose.

And when it does this, it is a perfectly healthy process, because the body

But, if you are having cravings for sugary sweets, you have shut down this "internal
candy store."

You can bring it back to life with CINNERGY. It contains ultra-potent cinnamon and
milk thistle.

Combined, it forces your body to process its own sugar and become more sensitive to it!

That means no more deep-seeded sugar cravings! I promise, it works. Here is what one fan
recently said:

"Elaine Has no More Sugar Cravings:

"It seems since I've been taking Cinnergy my body has developed what I call a "bullshit barometer".
Nothing I put in my body that isn't good for me tastes good anymore! The lovely organic chocolate truffles
I used to enjoy (@50 gms of sugar each), bread, any roasted nuts or seeds, even raspberries and
bananas - it is quite remarkable. I'm saving a lot of money by not wasting it on high sugar foods
or "treats".

Is it any surprise that Cinnergy is my bestselling product? At $29.95, it not only stops sugar cravings,
but heals your skin from the inside by increasing collagen production. It also serves as a shield
against excess free radicals, and artery scarring inflammation.

New video shows more:

We start shipping July 12. We currently have hundreds of orders waiting. It will
ship in a first-come-first-serve basis.

Reserve your order at

Stop sugar cravings, live young,

The People's Chemist