Subject: How to Preserve Memory Through the Years


Losing your memory as you age is not normal. One
of the primary causes is excess sugar consumption.

Over time, sugar can cause "tangles" among brain cells. Essentially.
the protein strands that are responsible to preserving memory
become twisted and stretched to sugar and insulin...

Once this occurs, vital messages are unable to pass from
one neuron to the next. These tangles are often called "brain

Potent cinnamon formulations can help stop it!

According to researchers at The University of California,
Santa Barbara, cinnamon attacks the mind numbing plaque
that leads to Alzheimer’s disease! They found that when taken
orally, it scrapes brain cells clean of the gelatinous fibers that
gunk-up our neurons and rob the mind of life’s most precious

"New research shows the compounds—cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin
—are showing some promise in preventing the development of the
filamentous “tangles” found in the brain cells that characterize the

The product verified to have the highest amount of cinnamon actives
is CINNERGY! Taken daily or weekly, it helps pull excess sugar from
the body and forms a PROTECTIVE CAP over brain cells to shield them
from sugar damage!

Learn more at

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist