Subject: ~How to Cheat Your Way Into College...(PIC)

The People's Chemist
How To Cheat Your Way Into College...
Lily Winning
College used to be “awarded” to people based on merit. It was an
achievement for those who applied themselves in high school and proved their academic chops through dedication, focus, and determination.

Today the value of a college education has been watered down by predatory loans and college admissions scandals.

Thanks to the US government, anyone can borrow absurd amounts of money for an education in "decision sciences," "cannabis cultivation" or even "The Beatles."

The end result is a worthless work force saddled with crushing debt.

This problem trickles down to all of us because it yields a shortage of capable individuals.

If it’s not student loans weighing our society down…rich parents have their own scam for getting their kids into college: bribing and cheating their children’s way into elite universities.

The system is rigged.

You’re screwed…unless you teach your kids the real secret to success:

Learn how to achieve things that money can't buy.

For my family that’s learning how to speed read, master Olympic lifts, get a black belt in jiujitsu, write a kids book, win a state wrestling title, make luxury soap, or simply be supportive when to a friend when everything else is crumbling down...

Kids learn these skills first by reading, doing their homework, getting tutors, asking questions, always going to practice and becoming personally responsible for the outcomes of their own actions. 

And in time, these achievements can lead to character and strength
building that will develop into a ruthless work ethic that will become the envy and disdain of all the "cheaters" around you. And as your haters grow in numbers, you'll know you're doing sh#t right, debt-free, scam-free, BS-free.

Few will take this route. It's hard. As an adult, you have to be ready to watch your kids fail in slow motion, and stay far away. 

It's the exact opposite of what our reactions tell us to do.  But we "feel" this truth, the longer we think about it...  

I try by best to watch my kids fail daily.  I've convinced myself that being a "kid" means to "fail often."  And that being a parent means to pick them up, often....

When the school calls about my high school daughter being absent too many times, I push for detention, suspension, or I simply say, “Flunk her.” I don’t sit there and give an excuse on her behalf…or try to work out a “creative” way around her bad behavior.

..When my 5 year old rides his bike too fast, I wait for the crash...

Kids learn best through life’s consequences, not through parents coddling them.

Letting kids fail is "loving them to the moon and back."

I started this philosophy early. When Lily was 12 I began taking things away as a consequence to poor behavior. Eventually that led to losing her allowance, phone, and the family car once she could drive.

That spurred her into action.

Since 13 years old she hasn’t asked for a penny. She charged forward with her business...

Since then she has bought her own phone, her own car, her own insurance, and paid for all of her own college applications. 

When she wanted me to edit her college essays, I insisted that she do it herself.

That equated to a scholarship to Whittier and winning state champion for DECA, an organization that helps emerging entrepreneurs develop their business skills. (Pictured above)

...and I still watch the failures from afar.  

The underlying cause for today’s predatory loans and college cheating scandal is anyone’s guess. But I suspect it has a lot to do with a lack of tough love - too many helicopter parents raising man-children.

...Hell, not even “tough” love…just LOVE! Shielding your kids from
consequences is one of the most unloving things a parent could do.

Colleges are to blame, too.

The entire industry is built upon an exploitive and unfair
university-tuition system that uses extravagant athletic complexes, hotel-like dormitories, and over-the-top embellishments to pull on the mental heartstrings of 17-year-olds worldwide, forcing them to sign on the dotted debt line or cheat their way into school. 

Loans for $50k, $60k, $70k or higher are being doled out like candy to kids who don’t even have a job…enslaving them before they’ve even started their first college class.

..and nobody is saying sh#t....

It's not sustainable. 

A diploma is only as valuable as the person holding it. And it doesn't matter if it comes from a community college or Ivy League school.  That’s because the world always pays valuable people.

So if you don't let your kids fail miserably, then they end up failing us all as adults.

Just like parents and kids cheating to get into college, people are trying to cheat their obesity and diabetes with meds, meds, and more meds!

There’s not a single prescription medication that cures obesity or Type II diabetes! Yet billions of dollars worth of meds are prescribed and thrown at these two killers.

There’s a better way:

Learn how to achieve things that your health insurance can't buy.

This starts with knowing how your body works, and how your hormones collaborate. They either force you to store fat…or burn fat and yield a lean, disease-free physique.

It starts with understanding how your food, exercise, and lifestyle habits CAUSE your health results.

You’ll find out all of this, and more, by using the AM-PM Fat Loss
Discovery (

This simple program shows you how to master your hormones and reverse the indiscriminate damage caused by obesity and diabetes!

Dedicate 90 days of focused intensity to reverse your health problems forever! You’ll work directly with The People’s Chemist and watch the magic unfold, as you shed sizes off your pants:

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. The college admissions scandal shows that parents are missing the point. Getting into college is about meaningful achievement…not bribery and cheating.

Likewise, true health comes from DOING the things that cause good health…and by sacrificing the things that cause poor health. You can’t cheat your way to great health with meds. They simply don't work…as proven by the multitude whose health is getting WORSE while on meds.

Use AMPM Fat Loss Discovery ( to do the WORK that will cause you to have the physique and health you’ve always wanted! Program includes all TPC supplements needed to assist you with reprogramming your hormones to work FOR you, rather than against you!

SAVE HUGE!  Get 20% and FREE shipping for everything you need for 90 days at!
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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