Subject: ~How to Add 11-20 years to your life! (Truth or Ploy?)


...Your life should be a montage of breathtaking memories.

In fact, memories are life's only true currency. Unfortunately,
most American's are broke as hell in this category of wealth.

Personally, I love flying with my kids to unchartered territory. Recently,
my son and I flew over Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.
The air was as smooth as an oil spill in [insert any large body of
water here].

We shared Yerba Mate. We watched the sun rise while cruising at
11,500ft. We waved to Telluride under our wing.

These are the ultimate experiences that I live for. For some it can be planting
a garden, climbing a mountain, or simply watching the sunset from the
perch of a 5-star resort while enjoying a bottle of wine.

Sadly, few people will realize their ultimate experiences to make and
preserve memories.

Among the unhealthiest countries in the world, most Americans are making
memories of juggling orange pill bottles for their daily meds, sitting in
doctor's offices, and shoving food down their pie-hole. (The entire economy
is built on this pharmaceutical merry-go-round.)

Unfortunately, many people will lose dozens of summer vacations, long walks
on the beach, and epic motorcycle rides with loved ones, simply because
they failed to break a sugar addiction - which will curse you forever if
not overcome.

To be exact, The Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA)
reported that 1 in 3 children born in the year 2000 or later, will lose
11-20 years from their lifespan from sugar consumption!

Let me help you stop this suicide in slow motion. Learn how to avoid the
travesty and you get 11-20 years more of making memories...That's not
a ploy, that's fact.

If sugar suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth, cancer rates would
plummet, fat people would shrink, bitchy people would become friendlier,
crazy people would become sane, and diabetes would all but cease to exist.
Longevity and all the great times it offers would shoot through the roof!

You'd be rich. After all, you're only as wealthy as you are healthy.

Without sugar, you're instantly morphed into a better version of yourself

Unfortunately, that will never happen for most people...

Irresponsible companies will continue growing and harvesting sugar cane,
inserting it into products, and selling said products to infants, kids,
teenagers, adults, and the elderly - probably all under the guise of being
“healthy.” Then they’ll tease the masses with incessant commercials
that make sugar-filled health products seem desirable.

As people get more and more sick, pharmaceutical companies will continue
offering even more medications to “cure” the sugar diseases.

They’ll pressure doctors to prescribe these meds, using fake scientific
findings that paint the drugs in a favorable light. (Do you still believe
the prescription drug industry is based on truth, and not checkbook

The merry-go-round will spin and profits will soar...While people die

Stop the madness! Say no to sugar!

I’m here to give individuals the power to take back their health - and make
more memories. I could be getting rich making penis pills for Pfizer. Or,
I could be churning out amphetamines for ADHD...But, I'm not a criminal...

Plus, it's fun making natural medicines that outperform all prescription drugs on
the market!

You can quickly reverse the sugar curse by lowering your blood sugar (i.e.,
the amount of sugar floating around in your blood) with

It sweeps up damaging blood sugar, while also clawing toxins from your body!
It’s the most potent form of cinnamon and milk thistle.

[Watch the short video and see the special discount at]

If you don’t learn to control blood sugar, it can triple the risk for
heart attack and stroke, according to the latest research! This highly
underrated, insidious killer affects an estimated 25% of the population and
is growing in prevalence.

You can lower your blood sugar and eradicate sugar cravings for as little
as $12 per month with Cinnergy, maybe less depending on your dose!

[Watch the short video and see the special discount at]

This fast-acting, potent supplement from mother nature has so many benefits,
it’s not even funny. If you’re Type II diabetic, it can completely
reverse it! And if you’re a non-diabetic, you only need 1-2 capsules per
week, otherwise, your blood sugar will go TOO LOW!

Like a loyal soldier fighting against illness and premature aging,

- Helps you avoid age-accelerating blood sugar levels
- Targets stubborn fat
- Ensures proper liver detox, so your liver doesn't suddenly die on you from
working so hard to process all the crap you've eaten!
- Stomps out triglycerides (a type of fat found in your blood)
- Protects you against modern day toxic threats (which are everywhere!)
- Shields your skin from excess wrinkles brought on by eating too much SUGARY
- Prevents age-related memory loss caused by SUGAR

Or you could just keep eating sugar, age faster than you need to, and make
your body more hospitable to developing a chronic disease.

Your choice.

Choose wisely.

- The People's Chemist

[Watch the short video and see the special discount at]