Subject: ~How this unique cinnamon got her off these meds!


I'm not the type of person to get side-tracked.

But this morning, I happened...

I've been teaching my 13 yo daughter how to make soap to get
her interested in math.

It's been working.

For her next recipe, she logged on to check her math early this morning.

She called me over to ask about some SAP values (they represent the
amount of lye needed for a given oil).

Then bam.

There was a notification on my Facebook page.

A fan suffering from Type II diabetes posted that my Cinnergy helped her
get off some hardcore meds, lower blood sugar and lose fat!

Commenting on Cinnergy, she wrote, "Life changing for sure!" I swapped
48 units of Novalog insulin 3X a day and 140 units of Lantis insulin at night
for 1 Cinnergy a day. Now how awesome is that?? Just started a week ago
and I have lost 3 lbs!"

I had to explain to Lily the magnitude of this single post.

Type II diabetes is a death blow.

About 13 years ago, The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
predicted that children born in the year 2000 would lose 11 to 20 years from
their lifespan to this invisible killer. (The first decline in longevity in 100 years!)

A disease of high blood sugar, Type II diabetes is akin to termites eating
a home from the inside. Floating in the blood, excess sugar leads to
inflammation, obesity, heart disease and cancer.

Here's how it works:

As blood sugar rises, the pancreas releases excess insulin as a desperate
attempt to shuttle it into the muscle, where it's used for fuel. (Think of insulin
as a sugar taxi.)

Unfortunately, the muscle gets overloaded with insulin and refuses to
respond - like a lock being worn down from too much use. In the end, blood
is poisoned with high sugar levels and muscles are poisoned with insulin.

Belly fat, depression, and craving for alcohol ensue. Doctors further contribute
to the problem by prescribing insulin, as this fan experienced.

Type II diabetes is a problem if TOO MUCH INSULIN! Giving more is
giving to the problem!

A decade of life experience is wiped away with Type II diabetes and insulin
use as shown by JAMA.

And here, with Cinnergy, a fan avoided the dastardly consequence with one
simple pill.

I designed it to do this.

Cinnergy REPAIRS the insulin receptor on the muscle cell! This forces it to
respond to insulin! Blood sugar plummets. Life is preserved rather than being
slowly torn down.

Learn about it here:

Meanwhile, Lily learned first hand why so many of her peers and their parents
are sick as hell - high blood sugar and prescription drugs. She also finalized her "homeschool" math before going to school.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Get 15% off Cinnergy 3-Pack at while supplies