Subject: ~How hormones cure internally!

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Supercharge Your Body’s Healing Hormones to Eliminate Joint Pain Forever – with Joint FX

For 10 years I’ve had the pleasure of meeting as many clients as possible. While I’m no social butterfly, I feel it’s my responsibility to interact with the people who use my supplements. It’s just one more step toward ensuring safety and effectiveness of my creations. That’s how I heard about Paula’s story and how she fought joint pain and won.

Paula has had severe joint pain since she was a child. At the age of 10 years old, I learned that she was run over by a bicycle! The incident caused her to get "water on the knee." This is a condition caused by excess fluid around the joints. “I had that knee pain coming and going for a very, very long time,” she says.

Then came the shoulder pain. “After getting some volleyball injuries when I was 20-21 years old, I was diagnosed with tensional tendonitis. For years, I experienced so much pain at night,” Paula recalls. “There was no comfortable position for my arms to be in, to limit the pain. It was hard getting dressed in the mornings and lifting my arms to put on a shirt.”


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Save 15% AUTOMATICALLY when you buy 3 bottles! Erase pain for only about $1.05 per day. Only while supplies last.



The Simple Act of Putting on a Jacket was Excruciatingly Torturous…

“When putting on a jacket, moving my arms back would cause so much pain that I wanted to cry,” Paula admits. “For 12 years, I suffered pain in my shoulder joints. Acupuncture was the only thing that helped – until I found Joint FX.”

Like many people wanting to alleviate their agony, Paula turned to the internet for answers. She discovered 6 years ago (before I even went by that name) while searching for information about cholesterol.

“At the time, my husband was taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, and I wanted him off them,” says Paula. “I found Shane’s book and got hooked…”

Paula used the education to help her husband successfully get off the cholesterol meds, safely while simultaneously strengthening his cardiovascular system. She was so impressed, she continued her journey of self-education. “As I was already hooked reading the information Shane provided in his book and on his website, I happened to see the Joint FX supplement and decided to try it myself…”

Joint FX Activates Dormant Hormones to Help Rebuild the Cartilage Between Your Joints

After Paula started taking Joint FX, she saw that this supplement did exactly what I designed it to do! It worked wonders for her joints. Her pain vanished.

I’m not talking about numbing the pain.

I’m not talking about masking the pain.

I’m not talking about a few hours of pain relief.

I’m talking about fixing the problem deep within the joints.

There’s a simple reason that Joint FX works better than anything ever designed to date:

It uses multiple ingredients to force the body into becoming an ultra-powerful, hormone healing machine!

When taken over a period of several months, Joint FX increases the growth of the shock-absorbing cartilage in between the joints of your fingers, toes, ankles, knees, hips, and spinal discs.

Is Your Body a Breeding Ground for Pain?

When your body receives the all-natural compounds contained in Joint FX, it begins to produce soothing repair hormones. That’s why Joint FX works. Without these compounds in JointFX, your body is a breeding ground for pain.

For Paula, Joint FX removed the pain robbing her of an active lifestyle.

With this nerve-soothing, pain-blocking, cartilage-rebuilding supplement, anyone can begin noticing significant reductions in pain within a few weeks.

Every single joint health product on the market today – chondroitin, glucosamine sulfate, Advil – is a total blunder! If you’re lucky, these fakes only cost you money. Worst case scenario, they can kill you.

Joint FX does neither.

It works. It’s safe. It triggers your body to produce hormones it should be producing anyway.

Joint FX Eliminates 12 Years of Recurring Shoulder Pain and “On and Off” Knee Pain for Paula

Now at the age of 42, Paula is free from pain. Why? Because she’s been taking Joint FX religiously ever since she first found out about it.

“Today, several years later, I am still pain-free, and when it does return, it’s just temporary,” she says. Thinking of her husband getting off his cholesterol meds, she adds: “Two for Shane, none for the pharmaceutical industry :-)”

The People’s Chemist Wins!

Not really.

I wish I could take credit for Paula’s success. But I’m just the messenger. I’ve been studying chemistry for over 20 years so that I could learn to live young. I’ve only passed my knowledge on and turned it into a great product – Joint FX.

After years of feeling tortured while performing basic daily tasks such as putting on shirts and jackets, Paula’s shoulder finally stopped hurting.

The intermittent pain in her left knee stemming from a childhood injury no longer “came and went” – instead, it just went away and didn’t come back.

It’s like getting rid of a terrible dictator who ruins your life, until you kick his ass and tell him to never come back.

When you take Joint FX, the same thing will happen for you – pain in your joints will start to vanish. You can be free!

Tell Your Joint Pain to GTFO and Take a Hike So You Can Live Your Life!

It absolutely annoys me to see people in pain WHEN THEY DON’T NEED TO BE.

The “aches and pains” that come along with aging, being old, or simply being the survivor of a past injury – are totally unnecessary. These pains could be gone in a flash, with Joint FX.

But you can’t be a spineless wimp who always feels sorry for yourself! If you’re one of those people who loves bitching about your pain and getting sympathy for it, then Joint FX is not for you.

On the other hand, if you’re a take-charge person who wants to live to move and move to live, then place your order for Joint FX right now. When it arrives, start taking it immediately (I’m not even kidding) – then be amazed at how quickly the supplement begins working.

Why would you torture yourself by waiting? Life is way too precious to be doing anything in pain.

Imagine being as active as you want to be – put on a shirt, bend over to pick something up, or fly through an uber-intensive interval training workout or wrestle your kids to get them riled up before bedtime – without your joints behaving like those of a typical 90-year-old.

That’s how life SHOULD be.

Get Joint FX now, so you can be pain-free like Paula at

Watch the 1-Minute Video at

JointFX works for even the most severe joint pain!

In another email, I received this testimonial from a woman who bought it for her mother:

“Wish to let you know that the Joint FX that was purchased through a friend for my 80 year old mother has been successful. Mum is asking me to purchase more. This is amazing Shane, as mum had a hip replacement in 1991 and has struggled with pain in her lower back etc...Mum is very health aware individual and in order for her to make this claim that the Joint FX has helped, it means the supplement works.”


Watch the 1-Minute Video at

Save 15% AUTOMATICALLY when you buy 3 bottles! Erase pain for only about $1.05 per day. Only while supplies last.



About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at