Subject: How Wife and I Pack on Lean Muscle (Pic Proves It)

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Staying Fit With The Least Effort

(There is a SALE offered here...It ends January 10th. Keep reading.)

The bulk of our time is spent managing our family. That includes things like homework, chores, reading and extracurricular activities for our kids. Another portion is spent on our professional lives, which includes everything related to operating a natural medicine company and managing book sales and marketing with Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target and Walmart.

When it comes to our own fitness, very little is left. (That's us pictured above.) In fact, leftover time is usually dedicated to aviation and personal time. Then there's exercise, finally!

I personally have no time for it, as you can see...I've outgrown trying to bench more than the next guy. And I could care less about running around the block faster than the next dude. Been there, done that. But I still want to be fit enough to live long enough to experience everything that comes with raising a great family. These memories are life's invisible riches. And they will blow right past you if you are not fit and trim!

Knowing this, I've spent over 20 years learning how to get the most health for as little investment as possible! That means ANYONE can learn to be fit, without huge effort or expense. It's all about hormones. And if you want hormones that grant great health with very little effort, this is what you need to START with:

1. Get my newest diet book (

2. Start to supplement with ThermoFX (

Buy those two things, and Ill send you a FREE CD that outlines the most dangerous diet myths in existence today! (Forward your receipt to

...We workout on average 3-4 days per week. They usually don't last more than 30 minutes, mine are usually 18 minutes and you'll get all of them in the diet book!

My wife Lea-Ann works out a bit longer. But, only cause she loves it. She doesn't have to. In fact, she could easily achieve her fitness goals working out only twice per week.

We don't eat low fat, Vegan, Vegetarian or "Paleo." We love wine.

Our secret is mastering our hormones.

Get the diet book at Click continue shopping and order ThermoFX. Then forward your receipt to Ill send you a free CD that will change how you think about eating and dieting FOREVER.

To looking great in 2013!

The People's Chemist

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at