Subject: ~How Tom Reprogrammed His Hormones at 62yo! (Awesome pic!)

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

How A 62 Year Old Lost 32 lbs of Belly Fat and Turned Off His


Tom grew up on a farm in Wisconsin. He enjoyed his bacon, eggs and traditional farm food. He was fit and strong. It didn’t last. Sugar addiction soon took over.

Not only did he gain belly fat, but he also aged prematurely.

It took him decades to find a solution...But once he did, it only took 90 days to reprogram his hormones. Years of bodily damage were reversed and he began to look 10 years younger!

This story is so fantastic, I had to call Tom to hear it myself.

During our conversation, I couldn’t help but think about the aging process and how sugar puts it into overdrive, which I’ll explain in a minute.

“I was addicted to sugar,” Tom recalls. “My worst time was in the evening time from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, and all I would eat was anything sweet.”

He also told me that he would go to Golden Corral for the “ice cream bar.”

Tom was digging a grave with his mouth.

Sugar was in everything he consumed - juice, soda, sports drinks, yogurt, soy, processed milk. At 5’10”, weighing 239 lbs, he realized one day that he needed to take action.

...His wife was also looking to drop a few pounds. To their surprise, an active lifestyle did nothing to curb the sugar threat.

“My wife and I have our own business, an on-site detailing service,” says Tom. “We work hard and we’re out in the sun all the time. Here in east Texas, you can work up a good sweat, especially in the summertime. One would think we wouldn’t have a weight problem with all the grueling work we do – but we did.”

The weight kept creeping up...That’s because sugar ruins proper hormone output, balance and sensitivity. Neither exercise or dieting can reverse this “hormonal ignorance.”

For Months, They Worked Out at the Gym for 45 Minutes, A Few Times Per Week – and Didn’t Lose a Single Pound (It Always Came Bouncing Back)

“My wife and I started going to the gym and working out for 45 minutes, thinking that would help us lose weight. But after months of doing this, we didn’t change our weight problem at all,” says Tom.

They also tried various diets and weight loss programs, with no lasting success. At best, these programs brought temporary weight loss. But like a yo-yo, any pounds that were lost came back.

That’s the most important point of Tom’s story: Despite being active, he still grew fat. His hormones were conspiring against him!

He couldn’t figure out what was wrong...

“Yes, you can lose weight on all of these different programs, going through their gimmicks, buying all the seeds and teas and eating food that tastes like hospital food,” said Tom. “But when you stop, all the weight comes back. I must have lost the same 20 pounds at least 5 times.”

“I always felt I had to deprive myself of something. I always had hunger pangs and sweet cravings, and yes, always found the weight back on my body.”

Then, Tom purchased The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package!

Losing and Gaining the Same 20 Pounds Over and Over Again is a Matter of Imbalanced Hormones

It’s no surprise that gimmicky diet programs didn’t work for Tom. Most of them focus on “calories in, calories out,” which completely ignores the issue of improper hormone output, balance and sensitivity.

Food today is loaded with sugar and sugar mimics - even food marketed as being healthy! To remedy the problem, I discovered 6 habits that work directly on our hormones, like a wrench on a broken car...

Fortunately, Tom found them and applied each one to his daily routine...

“I thought to myself, somebody HAS to have a program that you can eat regular food and lose weight,” says Tom. “That’s when I came across The People’s Chemist. Shane talked about hormones and that made a lot of sense to me and my wife. So I said, ‘Let’s give this a try. We’re both glad we did, because it changed our lives. I lost 34 lbs (and counting) and my wife lost 14 lbs., plus lost inches where she didn’t want them.”

All of that happened in only 90 days!

There’s Only ONE Reason Why You’re Struggling to Lose Weight – It’s Because Your Hormones are SCREWED Up!

As you heard from Tom, it doesn’t matter how much you exercise, or how many weird diet foods you starve yourself with. Permanent, lasting weight loss won’t happen unless you reprogram your hormones with the AM PM Fat Loss Program.

I specifically designed this program for people who’d rather “crush life” than waste 45-60 minutes slaving away on a treadmill or elliptical in an attempt to crush the gym.

...If you’d rather eat a skunks tail than lettuce, celery, and twigs all day, then The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package! is for you.

This is the only program that targets the #1 most important thing required for losing weight: balancing your hormones!

How To Turn Off Your Aging Genes

By getting your hormones in check, you also turn off your aging genes! Allow me to explain...

Sugar consumption revs up a biological process known as “cell division.” Normally, this allows your body to repair itself. But, with excess sugar, it forces cells to divide prematurely and puts aging into overdrive.

Every time your cells divide, a small portion of your DNA is lost. This is the shoe-string section at the end of the chromosome, called the telomere.

As you age early from sugar, the telomere gets shorter and shorter. Finally, it disappears and the cell stops dividing and dies.

Physical aging occurs as more and more cells reach the end of their telomeres and die. As sugar consumption continues, your muscles get weaker, wrinkles appear and eyesight fades. Eventually the organs begin to fail and death occurs.

You cannot avoid your telomeres becoming shorter as time goes by. But the good news is that your hormones can dramatically influence the speed at which it occurs.

Think of it just like the wear and tear you might put on a car. The true “age” of your car has very little to do with the number of years that go by since it was manufactured. After all, a car can sit in the garage for many years and still run like new and have its entire useful life ahead of it. On the other hand, a two- year-old car which has been driven every day and has 150,000 miles on the odometer might be near the end of its useful life.

In other words, it has little to do with the chronological age of the car... and everything to do with the number of miles and the amount of fuel the car has burned during that time.

The same is true for your body. The more sugar calories you eat, the faster you age.

The key is to reprogram your hormones with The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package. It not only slows the aging process, but it turns the body into a fat devouring machine...Your body will gobble up fat cells like Pac-Man devouring bite-sized pellets as he hauls ass to get away the ghosts....

Reprogram Your Hormones

The only reason NOT to reprogram your hormones with The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package is if you enjoy being fat.

Tom admits, “To my amazement, after starting the program, I never had a desire to snack. My hunger and sugar cravings came to a screeching halt and my energy shot up.”

Tom Lost 34 Pounds and Dropped 6 Pant Sizes in 90 Days – Bam!

The results of Tom using The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery have been astonishing:

“I started off at a size 44 pants. Now I’m wearing a size 38 pair of jeans that I hadn’t worn in over 5 years. I have to wear a belt to hold them up.”

On April 1st, he weighed 239 lbs. On July 1st, he weighed 205 Lbs. “I’m on my way to 185 and will make that weight goal in the next 90 days!”

You gotta love Tom’s story. It’s proof that anybody can lose weight if they simply reprogram their hormones. The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package! package is like rocket fuel for your metabolism and the off button on the aging clock.

Tom has lost 34 pounds so far. As long as he keeps using AM PM Fat Loss, he’ll reach his goal of losing 50 total pounds.

“I’m so excited thanks to The People’s Chemist lifestyle plan,” Tom adds. “I don’t call it diet program, because it’s not a diet. It’s simply eating the right food. To my amazement, with The People’s Chemist’s way of eating, I’ve never had a sugar craving since day one. I’ve never felt hungry. “This has absolutely been what I have been looking for, a weight program that is easy to do anywhere you go. Thanks for putting me on the right track eating program for life!!”

“I tell people everywhere I go if they want their weight problem solved, go to you’ll be glad you did. I was!”

It’s not about willpower and exercise, it’s about hormones!

There is no prescription drug or stand alone vitamin that can reprogram your hormones!

At the end of the day, I can’t put a gun to your head and force you to reprogram your hormones. I can’t FORCE you to morph your body into a fat-burning machine. All I can do is give you access to the right tools, and an opportunity to make the decision yourself.

Who wants to be 10 pounds, 50 pounds, or 100+ pounds heavier than they need to be? No one. It’s just a difficult and unnecessary way of going through life.

So get ready to say “goodbye” to annoying fat clinging to your body.

Say “sayonaro” to unwanted fat on your belly, hips, thighs, arms, and other areas where it may be clinging to.

Say “audios” to yo-yo dieting, sugar cravings, and “twig and berry” starvation diets.

Get Tons of FREE Stuff along with 20% Off!

Right now, when you order The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package, you get:

- my diet book for FREE

- You also get FREE support

- To sweeten the deal, you will also get a FREE audio CD outlining the most dangerous diet myths

- To top it off, you get 90 days worth off ALL the supplements you need at 20% off

See this deal while supplies last at

Order AM PM Fat Loss now, and give your body exactly what it needs to blast through fat and keep it off forever.

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at