Subject: How To Beat Cancer For Less Than A $1 Per Day (FOR REAL!)

How To Beat Cancer For Less Than A $1 Per Day 
You started out as a single cell. It contained all the information and instructions required to make you who you are today. This “how-to-guide” was stored as DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), a tightly coiled strand—measuring up to 3 feet in length—jammed into the microscopic cell. 

When you divided into two cells, this information was passed on to ensure the proper function and health of the newly formed cell.

Cells can divide at a rate of up to two million times per second and, as a full grown adult, you are about 100 trillion cells in total. And they're always working, dividing (you make 30,000 new skin cells every minute) and fulfilling a specific role in accordance with this guide. But sometimes a page gets torn from it.

DNA isn't invincible. 

In fact, it's consistently bombarded with something that threatens its function. Whether that is cigarette smoke, a lack of essential micronutrients like selenium or B vitamins, a rogue virus, industrial toxins, or prescription drugs, the information and instructions can get damaged. DNA—or the cellular components that help it replicate—becomes unable to control cellular division. 

When this occurs, cancer can develop, which simply means that a healthy cell has turned into a rogue one – dividing and replicating wildly.

Cancer Cells Are Slackers

Rather than carry out their roles and collaborate with nearby cells as bone, blood, or skin builders, cancer cells are slackers. They replicate without performing their vital purpose and eventually form a mass of slacker cells that we know as “tumors.”

Cancerous tumors go unhindered and can invade other regions of the body, while at the same time disrupting organ function. To gain super-hero powers, they secrete various chemicals that allow them to become invisible to the immune system.

Adding to the onslaught, they quickly and methodically produce blood vessels to help satisfy their greedy thirst for oxygen and nutrients. This eventually “starves out” the rest of the body, causing us to die prematurely. Where rogue cells develop determines which kind of cancer arises. If in the pancreas, it's pancreatic cancer; if in the breast, breast cancer; if among white blood cells, leukemia, and so on.

Cancer rarely occurs when cells go rogue because when DNA is damaged, every cell has specialized proteins that can repair it. If irreparable damage occurs, cells “commit suicide” before they become wildly dividing cancer cells. And if cell suicide doesn't do the job, they are attacked by a robust immune system before they become invisible.

Cancers Worst Enemy

Cell suicide is cancer's worst enemy and explains why it's not invincible. It's a programmed, survival response to inevitable damage, and every cell is born with this weapon of mass cancer destruction. 

When cellular DNA is compromised, our body helps itself by simply eradicating the cell before it grows into a potentially dangerous rogue. Without this, we would all die prematurely from cancer—probably before we even reached adulthood. 

You'll want to remember this over everything else.

This is my first universal cancer truth: All cancer is a normal cellular process that only leads to death when cells fail to commit suicide in response to some type of DNA damage. Ensuring proper cell suicide is ensuring that you don't suffer from cancer.

The Most Effective Way to Fight Cancer Daily

The most effective way to beat cancer daily is to use ultra-potent turmeric that is loaded with curcumin.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has written that, “Laboratory studies have shown that curcumin interferes with several important molecular pathways involved in cancer development, growth, and spread. Researchers have reported that curcumin inhibited the formation of cancer-causing enzymes in rodents.”

The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology highlights curcumin’s many uses, too:

“Curcumin is a crystalline compound which gives the East Asian spice turmeric its bright yellow color. The medicinal properties of this spice have been referenced in numerous countries and cultures throughout the world. Today, there’s growing scientific evidence suggesting curcumin’s utility in the treatment of chronic pain, inflammatory dermatoses, acceleration of wound closure, skin infections, as well as cosmetic ailments such as dyspigmentation.”

Start using Daily Dose now for as little as $1 a day to protect the entire family from the scourge of cancer!

Stock up at 

Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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