Subject: ~How This Pill Helps Exercise Response! (True Cinnamon in Action!)


My true-cinnamon based product, Cinnergy, is flying off the shelf, as usual.

...a bit more today since exposing "Almond Milk" for the sugary-chemical
shit storm it is, earlier this morning.

Apparently, most people are just now realizing that Almond Milk, Soy Milk,
and Coconut milk ruins hormone production!

It's not rocket-science.

These pre-packaged drinks raise insulin.

Insulin is a fat storing hormone...

So yea, there, you see?

Not rocket science.

I'm getting hammered for an "alternative."

"What is the alternative to Almond Milk!?"

What. The. Fuck?

An alternative to Almond Milk? It's not even milk! How can you
have an alternative for something as fake as a social media page?

What the alternative to Facebook, said nobody ever...

Hmmmm...stand back while I use my advanced chemistry degree.

Try water.

I like water.

My body is 70% water.

So is yours.

It would reason that drinking water is good for you.

(Why do I feel like I'm talking to my 3-year old?)

If you're drinking anything sweet, it's going to cause your insulin to skyrocket.
When that happens, testosterone, glucagon and many other beneficial
hormones does hormone sensitivity, which you need as you
get older!!!!!!

Sweet drinks force your body to protect itself with insulin. It goes into
panic mode and everything goes to shit from there.

Triglycerides go up...glucose shoots to the moon.

In time, your muscles and brain both deteriorate.

Technically it's known as Type 2 and Type 3 diabetes.

Sugary drinks are so lethal that even if you stop drinking them, the body
is often times unable to bounce back! Your muscle cells totally shut down.

The medical community calls it insulin resistance.

There's a remedy:

Cinnergy shocks the muscles back to life! It forces them to respond to insulin.

Learn all about it at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is 15% off when you buy 3 bottles!