Subject: ~How Sugar Ages You (And What To Do About It!)


Eating sugar is like pushing the accelerator pad on aging...

Once consumed, it revs up a biological process known as “cell

Normally, this allows your body to repair itself. But, with excess sugar,
it forces cells to divide prematurely and puts aging into overdrive.

That's because every time your cells divide, a small portion of your DNA is lost.
This is the shoe- string section at the end of the chromosome, called the telomere.

The shorter it gets from sugar-fueled cell division, the faster you age.

As you blindly consume sugar, the telomere gets shorter and shorter.
Finally, it disappears and the cell stops dividing and dies. Physical aging
occurs as more and more cells reach the end of their telomeres.

As sugar consumption continues, your muscles get weaker, wrinkles appear
and eyesight fades.

Eventually the organs begin to fail and death occurs.

You cannot avoid your telomeres becoming shorter as time goes by. But the
good news is that by learning how to stop craving sugar (and stop eating
it), your hormones can dramatically influence the speed at which it occurs!

Think of it just like the wear and tear you might put on a car.

The true “age” of your car has very little to do with the number of
years that go by since it was manufactured. After all, a car can sit in the
garage for many years and still run like new and have its entire useful life
ahead of it. On the other hand, a two-year-old car, which has been driven
every day and has 150,000 miles on the odometer, might be near the end
of its useful life.

In other words, it has little to do with the chronological age of the
car... and everything to do with the number of miles and the amount of fuel
the car has burned during that time.

The same is true for your body. The more sugar calories you eat, the faster
you age, and visa-versa.

To slow aging, and live with more youthful energy, you have to lower your
insulin levels, while simultaneously force your muscles to be more sensitive
to it.

Here's how to make that happen within a matter of days:

1. Eat only three meals per day, consisting of 50% healthy fats, and 50%
carbohydrates (from veggies) and protein. Eliminate fruit! Fortunately,
all the micronutrients need can be obtained from vegetables. Historically,
fruit is only to be had minimally and seasonally, if at all. 

2. Supplement with valerian and L-tryptophan to replenish feel-good
molecules in the brain that are depleted by sugar and to halt the sugar
Stock up at (FREE Shipping!)

3. Start re-sensitizing your muscles cells to insulin with true cinnamon
and milk thistle at (FREE Shipping!)

4. Download my FREE 18 Minute Workout App from your phone!

As you adhere to this wildly effective protocol, you'll notice better sleep, more
energy and increased focus!

But even better, your friends will start noticing your youthful shine, once

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Adding Whey Advanced ( to this is
going to really enhance your results! Loaded with amino acids, it
protects the DNA from losing it's viability and ensures cellular turnover
so that old cells are replaced with new, healthier ones! Stock up, I'll
ship for FREE!