Subject: How Stupid are California Politicians? Maybe it's The People?

Mandatory vaccines for children attending public school? And for what?
To “protect the herd?”

…PBS news and other media outlets report that this new draconian law
stems from an outbreak of measles at Disneyland that killed…yes…that
killed 100 people! It’s a direct quote.

How stupid can California be?

Mass panic ensued and the public accepted mandatory vaccination
to attend school.

Except there's one problem. Nobody died from that measles outbreak.
That's right, subtract 100 from what the 100 deaths that the media reported
and you’ll get the real death toll as verified by the CDC.

But this is the kind of stupidity that makes it in the news in California…That
and Alkaline water.

Fact: There’s no such thing as herd immunity. It only exists in the
imaginations of doctors who are paid to report it.

In a company document titled, Merck & Co., Inc., Disclosure of Payments
to U.S. Speakers for Promotional Medical Education Activities
showed that drug the company admitted to shelling out 18 million in a
single year to doctors for favorable reviews and to spread
the herd immunity myth.

And besides, if herd immunity existed, outbreaks wouldn’t occur among the
vaccinated as we se reported by The New England Journal of Medicine. "An
outbreak of measles occurred among adolescents in Corpus Christi, Texas, in
the spring of 1985, even though vaccination requirements for school
attendance had been thoroughly enforced.”

I guess mandatory vaccine won’t be stopping any outbreaks in the
already-poverty level equipped schools…want healthier kids, start
feeding them real food. Fuck vaccines that don’t work.

Immunity can only come from the immune system, not make-believe shields
from a population of vaccinated kids. The peer reviewed medical journal
Clinical Infectious Diseases proves the fallacy of herd immunity, writing,
"Other problems arise because herd immunity is not the same as biologic
(immunologic) immunity; individuals protected only by indirect herd effects
remain fully susceptible to infection, should they ever be exposed."

Even if herd immunity did exist courtesy of mass population, you sure as
hell wouldn't get it from the worthless, profit-pulling Merck vaccine, which
is the the true impetus behind California’s mandatory vaccine law!

That’s right morons! The vaccine is a fake, a fraud a scam. It doesn't

In 2012, a class action lawsuit —United States v. Merck & Co. and
Chatom Primary Care v. Merck & Co. – two virologists from Merck proved
that the drug giant “falsified testing of the efficacy of the drug and
misstated the drug’s efficacy to the government as having a 95 percent
efficacy rate.”

In the court trial, it was discovered that, “Merck incorporated the use
of animal antibodies to artificially inflate the results, but it too failed
to achieve Merck’s fabricated efficacy rate. Confronted with two failed
methodologies, Merck then falsified the test data to guarantee the results
it desired. Having reached the desired, albeit falsified, efficacy
threshold, Merck submitted these fraudulent results to the Food & Drug
Administration (“FDA”) and European Medicines Agency (“EMA”).”

Check your facts California! Care for your kids lunch before you consider

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Immune FX ( is nature's best protector form
infection and immune booster. Currently sold out due to mad 2017 rush,
along with many others, soon to come. We are trying.