Subject: ~How Pure is The People's Chemist Creations?


I just got an email that I'm really happy about!

"I came across your products when a medical doctor all the way in
Trinidad and Tobago tested the purity of your Immune FX
( product himself. He said your supplements are
the purest he's ever tested!"

Purity is the ultimate badge of honor for a chemist!

The above came from a reluctant fan who found my product courtesy of
her doctor, who took it upon himself to test the products he recommends
to his patients.

That's a damn good doctor!

Every product that comes out of my lab is tested for purity and potency.

There are no exceptions.

My state-of-the-art testing methods are the same ones I used as a bench
chemist for Big Pharma. A matter of life and death, this type of
razor-sharp laboratory precision is glossed over or even left out by 100%
of online vitamin hucksters!

I can prove it too because every other product on the market today carries
some type of adulterant like sugar, soy, lecithin, mag-stearate, hypromellose
(glue-capsule labeled a veggie cap), or a synthetic copycat of nature like
vitamin D, ascorbic acid and folic acid.

My methodology for ensuring purity validates that every ingredient I sell
to you is naturally sourced (botanical), not made in a lab (synthetic). This
guarantees potency and purity. I also carefully screen for impurities such as
pesticides, heavy metals, preservatives, and microbes from viral or bacterial contamination.

This is especially important when it comes to products like Immune FX.
Designed to ramp up your immune system, it's the single best way to
protect yourself from biological nasties. Any one single adulterant can ruin
the function of your immune system.

If you take ascorbic acid masquerading as vitamin C, you're detracting
from your health. It sets off a detox cycle in the body that's inflammatory
and counter-productive to healing. Seen as a foreigner, ascorbic acid
and anything synthetic begins to overwhelm your pancreas, liver and
kidneys...not something you want during times of illness.

Turmeric, delivering the active ingredients known as curcuminoids, is another
hot shot herbal compound being sold today.

It's an anti-inflammatory phenom and known to block cancer. It also helps
your skin heal from the inside and slows aging. Sadly, turmeric products
are being ruined with "pepper" and veggie caps, which are technically made
from the industrial glue product known as "hypromellose."


...and "bioperine," is just a scammy name for pepper.

Ridiculous. You can get it off your kitchen table. By putting it in a capsule,
you reduce the amount of turmeric inside, thereby reducing potency!

Turmeric doesn't need black pepper. It's best served with a minute amount
of cayenne, which helps bind various detox pathways, allowing the active
ingredients of turmeric to "sneak" into the bloodstream.

Additionally, this cayenne and turmeric cocktail goes great with the memory
boosting qualities of boswellic acid! While you're sneaking turmeric into the
body as a cancer-shield, boswellic acid follows along to protect and
preserve memory!

You can feel this working in a matter of weeks!

On fan wrote, "As I read your post about the 71-year-old who rejected
chemo and radiation, I really wanted to write and tell you about my experience
with Daily Dose (

"A while back I started noticing my memory was not what it used to be.
There were times that I could not think of the word I wanted to say. Asking
my husband, "Did you see what I did with the ... " was becoming more and
more frequent and very frustrating. Forgetfulness was becoming absolutely
alarming! I would sit at my computer and sometimes get lost, I wasn't sure
how to do things I have done thousands of times. That was right around the
time you added the boswellic acid to Daily Dose. Over a short time I found
I was no longer groping for words I could not recall and losing things. I
have to thank you for saving me a one way ticket to the silly room."

...It's all about purity!

Get Immune FX and my turmeric-rich Daily Dose at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Stock up now with 3 packs and save 15% before the holiday rush!
Just add 3 to cart for automatic discount!