Subject: ~How Hormones HEAL Painful Joints (PIC) - At Any Age!

At 68, Kathy Proves Your Joints are Never Too Old To Feel Young!
Western Medicine loves to scare people into believing that getting old is an illness. And most people let themselves believe the cheap sales ploy, as seen by their willingness to stop joint pain with drugs, surgery and more drugs.

These troglodytes will end up with premature gravestones that read: "I should have ignored my doctor..."

But not Kathy!

At 68-year-old, Kathy just wanted to lose weight and soothe nagging joint pain. Her doctor wrote out a few prescriptions and said, "That's just the way it is when you get older."

Bullshit. There's a reason you gain weight and a reason your joints hurt.  And it's not age.  Aging is a gift, not a curse.

She Wanted to Soothe Her Achy Hands and Also Lose Weight...

In an email to me, Kathy wrote, "I could barely touch anything. I was always typing and using my hands, so I had to find something that would help eliminate the pain."

The average moron is quick to hit up their doctor for a prescription painkiller or shovel Advil down their throat.

But, if you take three seconds to think about it, you quickly realize that stopping pain isn't fixing pain.


Here's What Happened When Kathy Refused to Swallow Prescription Drugs for Her Joint Pain...

"I heard about The People's Chemist from another doctor, surprisingly," says Kathy. "His natural medicine came highly recommended for its ability to work fast and heal. I decided to use Joint FX." 

"It worked! No pain!"

Using an intelligent blend of ingredients from Mother Nature, Joint FX taps into your body’s natural regenerative process to rebuild cartilage, while soothing grinding point pain. It's what keeps your joints young whether you're 30, 40, 50...or 68 like Kathy. It jump starts your healing hormones by giving your body the raw material to formulate and regenerate joints.

Why Joint FX Works So Damn Well

I call Joint FX "evolutionary joint medicine," because it's much smarter and safer than aspirin, Tylenol, and prescription pain meds. No side effects.

And it's not a waste of hard-earned money like the crap you find in your grocery store:  Glucosamine HCl and chondroitin.

It's the only medicine in the world that stops pain, while curing it!  And it's so effective because it forces your healing hormones into action.  

Like an Army General sending his troops out to battle, Joint FX employs your most powerful hormones to heal within, at the site of damage. 

Her Hormones Melted Her Excess Fat!

Kathy used Joint FX to squash the pain in her hands, then used several of my other products to drop 40 pounds and keep it off.

"The Whey Advanced and Thermo FX have really helped for losing weight," she says. "I lost 40 lbs about two years ago and have been able to keep it off. That's quite a feat for me as I was habitually on a diet, always going up and down. I'd lose down to where I'd like to be, then after about 6 months I'd be up past where I started. I'm really proud of myself for being able to keep it off for this long. If only that young OBGYN could see me now! It just took the right combination of healthy changes."

Complain About Joint Pain or Do Something About It – Your Choice!

"I feel great now!" says Kathy. "A lot of people my age are always going to the doctor, appointment here, appointment there. I don't do that, nor do I have to.."

"I wish insurance would pay for being well! Other people can see that I've lost weight but they don't know what I did or even ask. Sometimes it's futile to tell someone because you know they're not going to do anything about it and just keep complaining. They'll tell me of a problem they have and I give them a solution, like go on the TPC website and see what they have. Or I'll email them something that Shane has sent out, but I never hear if they did anything about it. Their loss."

Don't Let Your Age Stop You From Living Young!

Warning: Joint FX is not for people who want to quit on life because they'd rather feel old and debilitated. Rather, it's for people who want to do cool shit even into their 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. 

(Remember Jack LaLanne, "the godfather of fitness"? At age 70, he pulled 70 boats carrying a total of 70 people, a mile and a half through Long Beach Harbor. That's what I call living young.)

"I appreciate the fact that Shane's products do not have fillers, are natural, healthy and give your body what it needs," says Kathy. "I trust Shane because he's done the research and figured out what's best. Thanks Shane!"

If you're serious about squashing joint pain, then follow Kathy's lead. Ditch the complaining and get Joint FX. Refuse to listen to anyone who tries to tell you that getting old is synonymous with having no choice.

Get your hands on the most trustworthy joint pain relief formula in the world.
Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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