Subject: How Can The People's Chemist Help You?



January 18, 2011

From The Desk of The People's Chemist

Meet Jeff. He is my new CEO. By taking phone calls, and reaching out to our community, he realized we don't have clients, only fans.

Some of these stories might be shocking. No doubt, they will have lasting impacts! Enjoy.

The People's Chemist has ZERO clients and NO customers...Only FANS.

When Shane started he wasn’t out to make friends. He was out to provide real medicine that was safe, natural and cost effective. And to do that, he knew he had to abstain from the usual pleasantries and trends...He knew he had to “tell it like it is.”

Healthcare has become so convoluted and confusing that the only way to help people is to teach the science in a no-nonsense way that hits home, hard. And over the last 8 years, his fans prove that his mission is being accomplished. The following stories highlight the many ways he can help you or someone you love.

Doctors Want CardioFX

A fan in Florida started taking Cardio FX. When he went back to his doctor for a check-up, the test results could not be ignored. Despite getting off blood pressure meds, his cardiovascular health was terrific.

His doctor instantly wanted to know, “What are you doing?”

Our fan told him he was taking Cardio FX from The People's Chemist and the doctor asked him to bring it in. He did and now the doctor recommends Cardio FX to his other patients over meds.

Don't you wish your doctor was so open to real medicine rather than Big Pharma hype? You too can take Cardio FX, whether it's because you want to improve a current condition or prevent one from occurring in the first place and receive all the positive benefits available to you from nature.

You can read all about nature's heart cure and how it works here:

Prescription Drugs Get Flushed Down the Toilet

A fan in North Dakota had been put on Lipitor, Flavix and medications for high blood pressure. She read Shane's book, Over-The-Counter Natural Health Cures and decided to take her health into her own hands. She stopped taking all of them and now uses Cardio FX…She can “feel the difference” thanks to increased energy and zero side effects…

You too can take Cardio FX even if you are currently taking a prescription to help correct a condition, which can allow you to feel more comfortable and confident that you are taking something good for you, naturally.

You can read all about the natural way to go at Shane healthy heart report:

Drug Rep Switches Sides!

A fan in West Virginia overheard a woman explaining to a companion what pharmaceutical drugs he should take to help him sleep better at night. In true no-nonsense style, our fan explained the natural relaxation and sleep benefits of Serotonin FX. Much to the fans surprise, the woman was a pharmaceutical drug rep! The drug rep's reply? "Natural is the way to go! I don't believe in taking all the drugs doctors are trying to shove down people's throats - natural is definitely the way to go!"

Yes, of course, as a fan you may already know about the incredible relaxation benefits that nature provides in Seratonin FX, but do your friends and family?

See the sleep report at:

Get Rest, Stop Sugar Cravings, Boost Your Mood!

Did you know that in addition to being able to sleep like a drunken bum, Serotonin FX increases production of your body's anti-aging hormones and decreases your craving for sugar... and does it without the side-effects of having to get drunk first? Let them in on the secret. You might just save their life. Let them know that “even a drug rep recommends it!”

See the sleep report at:

HIT Man Get Fit Again, Makes People Look Twice

There's another fan, in California who is using Shane’s Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) - you know how people in California spend more time in their bathing suits than in their work wear, so they want to look good of course.

In 9 1/2 weeks he lost 11 1/2 lbs and 2 1/2 inches off his waist!

Learn how you can become a HIT MAN at:

In Shane's own words, "If you want to shove crap down your piehole 24/7, I can't help you", but obviously, if you don't, he can. You know, even if you don't wear a bathing suit as often as those people in California or even at all, you probably wear clothes and it's no fun if those clothes are tight and getting tighter every time you button that top button.

Learn how you can become a HIT MAN at:

Shane worked tirelessly and extensively to develop a real, fat-loss (and not just a water-loss) program that maintains and retains a person's natural good health and gets their hormones to intelligently work the way nature intended; to burn fat. It's called, "Hormone-Intelligence-Therapy" or HIT.

The time has come. Men, do you want to be a jelly-belly for the rest of your life or do you want to be a HIT-Man?

Women, do you want to be one of those people who check out other women and think, "How the heck...?" (and you know who you are) or do you want to be one of those women other women check out, the HIT-Woman?

Learn how you can become a HIT MAN or WOMAN at:

The time has come…Face it!

It doesn't matter what your age is, what your weight is, what your height is or where you live. You can be healthy; YOU can be a HIT-Man or a HIT-Woman or you can be one of those other people watching them walk by. The choice is yours.

Read about Shane's amazing discoveries here. Future HIT-Men may be more interested in this one.

Wrestling Coach Gets Team Fit!

A wrestling coach from New York highly recommends Whey Advanced for his wrestlers, because they like the all-natural flavor, its very soluble and it's very easy to use. Wrestlers typically have to control their intake of food in order to make weight and this leads to problems with hunger, energy and mood in young, growing bodies as well as metabolism. Whey advanced helps provide the goodness that is needed for growing bodies and added to a healthy diet, it can help make a person feel fuller longer, curbing appetite, essential for anyone looking to lose weight.

Shane was a champion wrestler himself in college and still practices Brazilain Jiu-Jitsu and competes to this day, notwithstanding the fact that he is in his mid-30s - not old, but not 21 anymore either.

Playing to Win - Stop Cravings

Shane recommends Whey Advanced for all fans, because it provides all the essential amino acids that you CANNOT get from eating alone, as well as vital proteins that help build lean muscle mass, whether you are training for the next championship or just entering into another competition in the game of life, to win.

Whey Advanced is the no-nonsense alternative to sugary sport drinks that provide the fuel you need to curb hunger, boost mood, maximize muscle and skyrocket metabolism.

If you find yourself getting hungry throughout the day and you are trying to control your weight; if you find your mood suffering and a lack of focus; if you feel you need to give yourself and extra boost, but don't know what to drink because the store shelves are full of sugar water, then do your body some good and get Whey Advanced - just like the name states, it is.

Learn about Whey Advanced at

You’re Never too Old to Live Young!

Jeff Milano
CEO of The People's Chemist