Subject: ~Hormones and Your Weight


If you don't target your hormones in 2018, you won't master your
best body in 2018...

Just like winds direct the movement of clouds, hormones direct biological
actions in your body. They are messenger molecules that send a myriad of
bio-chemical signals, which control and stimulate a fleet of enzymes,
neurotransmitters and other compounds.

Your hormones help to orchestrate your breathing rate, heartbeat, oxygen
delivery, cellular water balance, caloric intake and even your emotions.
They can also turn on life-enhancing genes while turning the deadly ones
off. And they also play a huge role when it comes to your body composition.

Your hormones help regulate your metabolism, they stimulate or relieve your
hunger, they regulate your blood sugar... and they control whether you
store fat or burn it, and build muscle.

When your body has “hormone intelligence,” it means that you are
producing just the right amounts of each hormone and that these hormones
are perfectly balanced in relation to one another. It also means that your
body is highly sensitive to the effects of the hormones you produce.
This is an incredibly delicate and complex process, but it’s surprisingly
easy to control. And you don’t have to know anything about how it works.
But, you do need to know that hormone intelligence is your body’s natural
state of balance and equilibrium. That means you will innately gravitate
toward this set point, if you just get out of the way and start working
with your body, instead of against it.

The “intelligence” that plants use to capture sunlight or take up
nutrients from the soil and convert these things into energy for growth is
the same intelligence your body uses to heal itself naturally and preserve
a healthy physique. It is perfectly natural and happens without you even
having to think about it.

The key is to master a few critical hormones like insulin, glucagon,
estrogen and testosterone through my Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT)
program, outlined in The Stop Eating So F@#cking Much Diet Book.

[Buy Book Here:]

Once you control these key hormones as a HIT Man or HIT Woman, your
entire hormonal chain of command – like an orchestra playing in perfect
unison – will be in your hands.

You will be able to harness your own internal pharmacy to produce weapons
of fat destruction and optimal genetic expression!

By re-programming your hormonal chemistry, you can easily transform your
body into a perpetual fat-burning, muscle building machine and reclaim your
youthful fitness and vitality.

It doesn’t matter how old or out of shape you might be at the moment. You
can still have the body you used to have... or the body you always wished
you had. And the changes can begin within days!

Based on my own results and those of thousands of clients over the years,
here’s just part of what you are going to accomplish as you follow the
Hormone Intelligence Therapy Breakthrough:

- Lean, sexy muscle will begin to emerge as your body begins to melt fat
and turn it into energy (at any age, remember!)

- Your blood pressure and resting heart rate will move toward optimal
levels, while your heart and lungs will grow more powerful

- Any puffiness in your face will begin to disappear, your skin and eyes
will glow and your complexion will improve

- Your risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer will be reduced

- Your immune system will become stronger and more resistant
- You will feel less stress and anxiety and a greater sense of energy and
- Your sleep will improve and you will notice greater physical and mental
- Your appetite will be more balanced and between-meal cravings will
- Prostate health will be at its best
- You will stop being plagued by cravings
- You will notice greater sexual desire and potency... and much more!
- You will stop eating so fucking much... and much more!

You can live clueless and helpless, or you can get the facts at!

Are you going to jump from one moronic fat loss fad to the next in 2018
or are you going to master your hormones and life once and for all?

Start now at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Want a testosterone boost with your book? Then see the special
offer at