Subject: ~Holiday Cure to "ELS" (Real Talk!)

Type 2 diabetes is an ELS (“eating-like-sh#t”) disease.

When you ELS, you raise your blood sugar (i.e., the amount of sugar
floating in your blood).

That’s bad.

Sugar is poison.

And over the holiday, there's only two things that can save you:

1. Cinnergy
2. The 18-Minute Workout

Here's how it works (if you give a sh#t about belly fat and premature
aging...there's a third tip, too for those that actually read...keep scrolling)

To sweep sugar out of your blood this holiday season, the body produces
mass amounts of insulin.

Over time, too much insulin causes your insulin receptors to get jammed.
The body is no longer able to remove glucose. You start seeing a rise
after you do that oh-so-not-painful finger prick.

Technically, this is called insulin resistance.

At this point, blood sugar is no longer shuttled into the muscle cells. It
starts combining with fats and hemoglobin. You see this as higher
triglycerides and A1C. Ultimately, your insides are rusting.

Instead of one ginger bread cookie, you need two...three....four....

Conventional medical wisdom says to pump the body with MORE insulin
to control your high sugar.

That's f@#cing retarded!

Insulin is the WORST medication for Type II diabetes because those

Plus, insulin is the “fat-storing” hormone — which means too much of it
will cause you to balloon up to whale size.

Pumping more insulin into your body isn’t going to solve
anything…it’ll just make you fatter and sicker over time!

The real key to crushing diabetes is to increase your sensitivity to

You can do that in 3 simple steps:

1. Start using Cinnergy (
2. Use my FREE 18 Minute Workout App every other day
3. Drink 16-24 ounces of purified water EVERY morning upon waking up

Watch your sugar plummet in 17 days!

I created Cinnergy ( to detox the blood of excess

And since so many people are ELS (eating like sh#t), they also need a liver

So, I added a very potent extract of milk thistle to Cinnergy!

Why tolerate diabetes?

Have MORE holidays, not less!

Invest a few bucks a WEEK and buy Cinnergy at

Note on "conventional wisdom:"

When you lower your blood sugar and avoid diabetes naturally, you’re no
longer a “cash cow” for anyone — drug makers, technology inventors,
or investors. You free yourself from being manipulated and taken advantage

Take charge already:

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Essential Greens sold out until February! Cinnergy is in low stock!
Get yours at